tough talk for a fella with a small cock

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"I think you're going to pass out."

"I'll be fine, Cam."

I could hear my own response being groggy.

"You don't plan on attending the mafia event like that, do you?"

"Why the fuck not?"

"You've been overworking yourself to the extreme."

"You look like fucking shit," Bakugo scoffed.

"I made you cum within three minutes, watch your tone around me."

"You fucking bitch! Wait until I-"

I still hadn't gotten the chance to confront his ass.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes at him.

A part of me didn't want to find out about anything as well. Because the chances were split in two. Sure, it all could be a myth, but what if it's all true?

I'd rather die than make shit work with that fucking bird bitch bastard.

But Deku had a point too, there had to be some sort of shit going on behind the scenes that we wouldn't be able to know until it would be too late. For now, shit was what it was. I couldn't look too into it until there was something to look in.


"Yeah?" I nodded absentmindedly at the contract shown to me, signing as I set the file aside into the cabinet. "I'm going to the company building, tonight is the mafia event so I'll just sort things out a bit before coming back to get ready."

"Have you heard of a shower or like sleep?"

"Fuck you, I showered this morning."

"Well, shower again before the event. You're sweating like shit," Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Actually," I clicked my pen, staring at him with narrow eyes. "You're coming with me to the company, let's go."

"What the fuck?" He sighed, getting up nonetheless. "Making me security just makes me think you want to be clingy with me."

"Get too cocky and I'll have to bite some of that cock off."

"Lead the way," he faked a smile. "Yo, dicki."

"Fuck you," Kaminari grunted at him.

"Get the keys, you've got to drop us off. You're useless otherwise."

"Tough talk for a fella with a small cock."

"Bakugo," I placed a hand on his chest when he lunged at Kaminari.

"Get your dick out right now! Mine is bigger, you useless ass car fucking bitch!"

"I am not the man who has sex with their car," Kaminari rolled his eyes, starting the car and I shoved Bakugo in while he screamed.

"Let's measure, you want to fucking talk about dick size? At least I got to fuck Falcons, you can't even say that, you piece of camp rock knock off looking useless ass shit!"

"Actually, I fucked you," I corrected.

"Same fucking thing, we fucked, he, she, they, fucked. Fucking is just fucking. I'll fuck your ass too, you headass American version of Pokémon looking fucking piece of shit!"

"Rip," I sighed. "He really pulled the America card. Also rip to your ass if he fucks it."

"I'm not even American," Kaminari pointed out.

"That's the point of the fucking insult, you dumb bolt for a brain bitch!"

"So we just gonna ignore the fact that he said he'd fuck you?" I asked.

Love Bird's Bite // Keigo TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now