Fake Memories?

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His alarm was blaring again.

'I fucking swear I turned the damn thing off already.' He growled at life itself and pulled the pillow over his head.

He stretched absentmindedly in his bed, enjoying how cool and comfy the sheets had become. He didn't want to move. He ignored the knocking on his door.

And after a few more minutes of lounging in bed, his phone started to go off.

'Fucking thing' Rage burned deep inside of him but he reached for it blindly on his bedside table before grabbing it and putting it up to his face, squinting.

Aggravated, he rolled his eyes but answered the phone, "What?"

'Hey man, did you forget what day it was?'

"No, why?"

'Then why aren't you ready? I'm at your door'

"Because I don't want to alive right now"

'Come on, Anti, be serious. It's not going to be so bad. You know I can't continuously rent this place for you'

"Never asked you to"

'Oh? And what are you gonna do otherwise? Live on the streets? Sell drugs and prostitute yourself?'

"I would probably be good at that" he joked, "But seriously, Sean, do I have to?" he whined, "We both know they all hate me"

'Don't worry about it. I've already talked to all of them about it. It's cool'

He snorted "I highly doubt that"

'Just get dressed and come on into the kitchen. I'll come in and make ya some breakfast and we can get going, yeah? Marvin promised he'd take care of moving your stuff over later tonight'

Anti groaned again like a child but finally forced himself up, "Whatever. Make me pancakes"

Sean snorted on the other end and answered sarcastically, 'Oh of course, sire. Anything for you, your majesty' he hung up the phone before Anti could counter.

"Asshole" he finally got up and trudged on in to his bathroom.

Not that he wasn't grateful to Sean.

He had tried to help him since the beginning.

It was the other egos that were the problem.

Or really . . .what they thought they knew.

Sean tried to convince the other Septic egos for years that Anti really wasn't the bad guy but then again, coming out of Sean's head, all they knew was the opposite.

They were created with the mindset that Anti was evil incarnate and were implanted with fake memories upon their existence. It was proof enough for them.

It had taken YEARS to get them to agree to give Anti a chance. He just had to prove those false memories wrong.

Easy for Sean to say.

Just because he wasn't a killer didn't mean he wasn't an asshole, himself.

And he wouldn't hide that fact, either.

Getting all cleaned up and dried off, Anti messed around with his hair haphazardly before throwing on some clothes. And not what anyone would really expect, either.

In the videos, he usually wore a black shirt and dark, ragged jeans. But outside of that, he liked other styles just like anyone else would.

Not thinking anything of it, he threw on a gray and maroon hoodie and black sweatpants. It wasn't like he was going to try and impress them or anything.

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