The End

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Anti felt odd.

Usually he still felt tired after he woke up but for some reason this time . . . not so much.

Perhaps he had been restless all night.

He felt something clutch his hand and he blinked his eyes open, letting the light break through his eye lids.

Anti looked over to see another hand holding his. He remembered the last person he saw and thought to himself that maybe Host's 'thing' didn't work.

Honestly he didn't feel any different. Should he?

"S-sean" he moved his hand a little in his.

It seemed the creator had been nodding off again but at the sound of Anti's voice, he jolted clear awake, "A-anti! Anti. . . .." he smiled a little awkwardly, "How are you?"

"What are you doing here? I said you could-"

"Sleep downstairs on the couch?" Sean snorted, "Nah . . .. nah. I uh . . I wanted to be the first person you saw. Just in case."

"In case what?"

"I don't want you to get confused. Or panic. Do you remember anything?"


"Hm. It might hit here in a bit, then. I think this time Author was trying to steer more towards . . . original. Doesn't mean other things would be different, though. I am surprised he had made you all remember previous time before, though. Kind of set himself up, didn't it?"

Anti nodded, "I guess." he sat himself up and nodded to his wheelchair, "I wanna go downstairs"

Without complaint, Sean helped him in the chair and started to wheel him out of the room, "I don't know if the others remember anything yet"

"Can you just tell me what the original shit was? What you had created for us?"

Sean shrugged, "It's pretty boring, really. My second idea AFTER I created you all was what the community knows"

"Why didn't you tell any of us? You know it would have been better that way"

"He's The Author, Anti. Or was. . . . Whatever he narrated, came true. I couldn't let him kill you all for his own entertainment"

"Hm. I guess that makes sense" but he was still anxious about seeing the others again. What would they remember of him? What was Sean's first idea for them all?

When they got to the bottom of the stairs after a WHILE of cursing and arguing on how the best way was, they all could hear talking from in the living room.

Anti was just getting more and more anxious.

It felt like that first day again when he came here a few weeks ago. What was it now, nearly a month? How the time flew . . . .

They were just about to round the corner to the living room when Anti stopped them by pressing his hand on the wall. Sean stopped them for him and pulled out a rag from his pocket. He leaned forward and gently dabbled at Anti's neck.

Anti raised his head for him, letting him do so.

Sean finished and pat his shoulder gently, "You good?"

Anti released his hand from the wall and nodded, "Let's get this shit over with"

As they wheeled in to the living room, they saw that all of the other Septics were up and awake by now, seemingly discussing their memories with one another.

Jackie was the first to notice him and smile, supposedly welcoming.

Anti didn't understand it, really. Wouldn't they hate him now? Of course he was still fuzzy on what was going on. He still really didn't feel any different but he found he cared a lot more about them all than before.

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