Awkward Midnight Doctoring

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Henrik worked a bit late but he was finally on his way home.

He knew he wasn't supposed to work today but he'd rather work to his grave than meet with Sean about Anti moving in with them again.

After the last time, you'd think he'd learn they didn't want him around.

If Sean wanted them to get along so much then why did he create them all with these horrible memories?


Antisepticeye laughed in his ears. Inside his head. Taunting him.

Henrik could feel him grinning from behind him as he strung his stethoscope around his neck, choking him.

Henrik couldn't breathe. He couldn't even whimper out a plea.

He could feel himself slowly passing out but he Anti could tell this and could just ever so slightly release his grip before choking him again.

Torturing him.

"Oh, what's wrong, doctor? A bit out of breathe, are we?" he chuckled darkly, "You look so fucking pathetic, trying so desperately to cling onto your miserable life. This is why your wife left you. You're so pathetic. You always let people walk all over you. Use you."

He tightened the stethoscope around his neck. As if Henrik wasn't purple in the face already.

"How'd it feel to watch them suffer? Hm?" Anti asked so sweetly in his ear, "How'd it feel to fail to save your own brothers from the big bad 'glitch bitch'!?"

Anti shifted to take both ends of the stethoscope but then Henrik could feel a scalpel against his jaw, "Well? Nothing to say? Well that's rude" he laughed and Henrik panicked as the scalpel pressed harder on him.

He really thought this was how he'd die. Or at least how he'd have to end up calling Dr. Iplier.

But before the glitch could do anything more, he was gone.

Henrik sucked in a deep breathe and coughed, rubbing his throat.

In the distance, he could just barely hear Marvin calling out for him.

End of Flashback

Henrik refused to believe that wasn't real. He remembered having those bruises on his neck for weeks.

The doctor groaned to himself, rubbing his tired eyes as he pulled in the drive way to the house. There was the normal amount of vehicles there so he assumed Sean was gone by now.

Now he just had to suffer with however long Anti was going to be living there. Not that it was going to be long.

Carrying his things inside the house, Henrik was immediately met by some of the others. They almost looked jealous of him.

"Dude" Chase crossed his arms at him, "You worked REALLY late, didn't you?"

"Had a lot of forms to go over" he gave the excuse.

"Yeah, yeah" Marvin rolled his eyes, "Well don't think you're getting out of anything!"

Jameson signed to him, 'Sean had some things he wanted us to go over with you'

"Oh?" Henrik took off his jacket and fixed his glasses, "Vhat things?"

Jackie shrugged, "Want to talk to Anti yourself first or-?"

"Just tell me vhat I need to know so badly" Henrik wasn't in the mood for games and certainly not to see Anti so soon.

Chase hummed, biting his lip, "Well . . . .actually I don't know if you want to do a physical or what. The things you need to know are medical, really"

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