What's the Point?

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Marvin sat at the couch with Anti's legs in his lap. While he was concentrating on the spell that would help heal him over time, Anti was watching some TV show with Basil in HIS lap. Basil had gotten to adore Anti very much and Marvin was almost jealous of the affection she'd give him.

Sometimes he was even jealous of Basil, the way Anti would scratch her just right, making her kick her foot once in a while. Marvin NEVER got her to do that but her purring was envious.

Once finished with the spell, a black and purple smoke seeped into Anti's legs but the glitch couldn't feel it, of course.

The magician cleared his throat, "You know . . . I can turn into a cat, myself."

This grabbed Anti's attention away from the TV and he raised his eyebrow at Marvin, pausing his petting on Basil, ". . uh. . . .. . what?"

Realizing that might have been an awkward thing to say, Marvin blushed, "I mean! I know you like cats! I just thought. . . maybe you'd like to see some other kinds of magic? A transfiguration?"

Anti thought about it and shrugged, "Maybe some other time"

Marvin sighed, "I know you're down in the dumps lately but you gotta look on the bright-side, Anti"

"What bright-side? My fellow ego paralyzed me from the waist down, I can't glitch without shouting in pain, not to mention I'm at high risk for more seizures! I can't sleep anymore, I get headaches all the time and I have to have a fucking wheelchair to navigate around the damn house!"

"Uh . . . . . ." Marvin knew he was angry but he figured maybe a light joke would help ease him a little, "You can still feel your dick?"

Anti snorted and cracked a light smile, "I guess I have that going for me"

Chase walked in the living room carrying some plates with sandwiches on them, "Lunch time, dudes! Where's Jackie and James?"

He served Anti and Marvin a sandwich but Marvin shrugged his shoulders, "Jameson is helping Jackie in the garage with his weights"

"'Kay. I'll go bother them later, then." Chase flopped on the couch next to Anti and changed the channel on the TV.

Anti groaned, "I was watching that!"

"Too bad. My favorite show's on" Chase smirked, "I know you're not used to living with other people but it's a little thing called sharing"

Anti huffed, "Whatever. . . I'm not hungry"

"Eat it anyway"

"I can't. My stomach's bothering me" he mindlessly began petting Basil again.

Chase chewed on a big hunk of his sandwich and hummed, "I know you hate Henrik right now and I don't blame you. But don't you think that's something the doctor of the house should know?"

"Dr. Iplier's coming down tomorrow" Anti's eyes gleamed dangerously, "I don't want anything to do with that bastard"

Marvin watched their reaction but chose to stay out of it. He could see both point of views, after all. He had tried removing the memories Sean placed in them but it never worked no matter what he tried. They were forever plagued with the memories of Anti torturing them all. Killing their loved ones and being the demon they wished they could eradicate.

But Marvin thought of something. Maybe he could ask this, "Anti . .. . do YOU have the same memories we do?"

Anti froze as did Chase and Marvin sputtered, "I mean! Uh . . . Do you remember the same kind of stuff? Or did Sean not do that to you? I'm honestly just curious"

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