Numb and Angry

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For those of you who don't know, I'll be making a discord server in the near future for you guys for my Wattpad stories. I know there's a lot of conversations and comments. Tons of discussions that could be had about the 'Bean Patrol' and Anti and all my different stories. I think it will be kind of fun!

When I get it all set up and done, I'll let you all know :) If any of you have any suggestions about how to set up the server, please feel free to let me know!

Sean and Evelien were up late that night doing their own streams and videos.

Sean was just ending a video when he started to feel hungry, 'Wonder if we have any leftover pizza left?'

He wandered into the kitchen with BB at his heels, 'Evelien must've let him out of her streaming room' he thought to himself and made little noises to attract BB's attention.

"Hey there, little sir! You hungry, too?"


"Geez, okay, okay" Sean chuckled and opened the fridge, taking out the pizza carton along with BB's wet food.

BB jumped up on the counter in wait as Sean got his food dish first all set and ready.

"Oh hey babe!" Evelien walked in, "You feeding Beebs? How did the video go? Did you play that one new game you said you were gonna try?"

Sean nodded, "Yeah, it was pretty good. Maybe I can get the boys to play the multiplayer version of it with me later this week"

He gave BB his food and turned to start reheating his pizza in the microwave, "Tried texting Anti earlier. Didn't get a response. You think he's doing okay?"

"Babe, I'm sure he's doing good. There haven't been any issues all week"

Sean snorted, "That we know of"

"You think Anti would lie to you?" she seemed genuinely confused, petting BB as he ate.

Sean sighed, "I THINK .. . . that Anti might want to lie in order to try and fit in. Just because he has no bruises or cuts doesn't mean he's not being bullied. But . . . he's been alone for a while. I wouldn't blame him for trying to do something like that even if it's fake"

Evelien hummed softly, "I think Anti's too stubborn do to something like that. But I could be wrong. Wanna try calling him? You can"

Sean shrugged, "I don't know. They might actually be hanging out for once. I wouldn't want to disrupt that. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll-"

'Ring ring! Buzz! Ring ring!'

Sean took out his phone from his pocket, "The hell?"

"Who is it?"

"It's . . . It's Marvin. . . . . He never calls me on the phone"

Anti felt he must have passed out at some point.

Some point after . . . .

After Henrik told him . . .. his lower half was paralyzed?

No, that can't be right. . .

But sure enough the next time he woke up, he ignored the others and tried to wiggle his toes.

Nothing happened.

He didn't know how to feel.

What happened!? Why!? What did this!?

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