The Library

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"The library. . . . " Dark whispered to himself.

"Do you know what she's talking about?" Marvin asked, "What library? Back at the Iplier manor or . . .?"

"No" Dark stood up and looked around himself. The cabin had completely rebuilt itself from the fire but he thought about Celine's earlier words.

"We're not safe here. Whatever the thing is, it can hear us, even here. But Celine knows this. He must not be able to reach the library."

"The hell's the library?!" Chase scoffed at him, "We don't have the fucking time to read books, man!"

"That's where she took him, I'm sure of it. We need to go there NOW. If any of you don't want to follow, fine but-"

"We're coming" Jackie stopped him, "Anti's in this mess because of us" he glanced to Henrik, "Because of all of us."

"I know" Dark spoke deadpan, "Follow me, then" he shuddered a little, "This will require . .. physical contact, though. . . so . . .just so you know"

The Septic egos looked at each other oddly but followed Dark out of the cabin and outside in the snowy weather. He held his hands out for them and Marvin was the first to touch his arm, knowing what was coming.

Chase was the last one and looked around at the bleak setting before they'd be leaving.

Just in the distance. . .. he swore he could see a small child just coming out of the forest.

And then they teleported.

It was dark and pitch. Quiet, except for all of their own breathing and little noises.

"We're here"

"Where's here, exactly?" Jackie asked him.

Dark gave off a soft blue hue and motioned ahead of him.

In the near-distance was a grand pool of sorts surrounded by many other pools and mirrors that surrounded it all.

"That's no library I've even seen before" Chase huffed.

"Have you ever actually BEEN to a library?" Henrik snorted at him.

Dark walked ahead towards the mirrors, "Inside. He won't be able to hear or see us here. I believe that's what Celine had meant"

The Septics were. . . . unsure to say the least but Jameson was the first to follow him, not effected by everyone else's uncertainty.

Finally, the all followed behind Dark, into the gateway of mirrors.

"Dammit!" the man conducting everything from behind the scenes was not happy with this.


Not happy at all.

'Everything I do, everything I change, they ALWAYS find a way around it! Why can't I get this right!?'

He watched as Dark led the Septic egos into the library and he cursed in his head. This wasn't supposed to go this way.

First Anti disappeared and now all the rest of them! Now he was just stuck with nothing to do! He'd track and have fun with Sean and Evelien but that would be impossible for him. He could only do this to egos. It was because they were so much more pliable. Already created by someone else, they were easy to mold into something else that HE wanted.

'Once either Anti or the Septics come back to my vision, it'll be time to end this. This has already gone on long enough. I'm tired of this play.'

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