Something's Not Right

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Anti couldn't believe that Marvin had changed his mind so quickly. The next morning, he acted as nothing had even happened! Like he didn't remember.

Did he just block it from his own memory? But if that were true, he'd certainly have A LOT to block.

Chase hadn't come down that morning for breakfast and that was . . .worrisome. Usually he was the one to make breakfast, saying the others were shite at it. Anti couldn't agree more.

Henrik said he had gone up to his room to check on him but he said Chase was just tired.

'Bullshit' Anti thought to himself, 'Something's up. I can feel it. I know I should call Sean but can I even trust him with this? Something's wrong and I don't want him to just say I was hallucinating as a side effect of the drug. I know what happened. . .. sort of. I know it was real, at least'

Anti lightly ran a hand over his face. It had bruised pretty good enough that even Henrik seemed worried and asked what happened. Anti couldn't tell him, though. Not like he cared. He had given Marvin a look and simply said he must have done it in his sleep.

Henrik crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at him, obviously not believing it but didn't pry any further.

'Maybe I should get ahold of Dark. He could be able to give me proof on it. Can't count on these fools so it's all I got'

"Yo, Anti!" Jackie waved his hand in front of his face and snorted in amusement, "I know my eggs are crap and all but they couldn't have made you sick. What's wrong? You still edgy from last night and that nightmare?"

"Nightmare?" Henrik asked, sipping on his coffee, "You said you did it in your sleep but you didn't say anything about a nightmare"

Anti glared at Jackie, "I'm fine."

"Fine, huh?" Jackie didn't buy it, "Didn't seem fine between you and Marvin. Seemed like something was up that you're not telling me"

Marvin gave Jackie a look this time, "What are you talking about? Everything's fine"

"Marvin, you were there WITH me. Anti had that nightmare about someone on top of him that hit him and slashed his throat. It was so bad, Anti's neck actually bled again, despite your spell"

Henrik was really concerned now, "Your neck bled?" he came over to get a closer look, "Doesn't look like it reopened. . ."

Marvin suddenly looked like he had an epiphany, "Wait, what!? No. . . . It wasn't real. It didn't really happen to him, Jackie. It was just a nightmare"

"Really?" Jackie huffed, "Because it didn't seem like you thought it was a nightmare when you kicked me out of his room"

"That's enough"

Everyone looked over to see Chase. He looked haggard and wore out. Even worse than Henrik sometimes after late nights.

"Chase" Henrik addressed him, "Vhat are you doing up? You said you were sleeping in. You don't look well, my friend"

Chase just huffed, "Whatever. . . . ." he glanced at Anti but once again, couldn't look him in the eye. Not after last night.

He didn't know what really happened and what he really saw. But he couldn't bare looking at someone who looked exactly like that monster. Scar and all. Chase blinked and sighed, walking over to the pantry, pulling out a large bottle of whiskey from the back.

Marvin quickly teleported it out of his hands, though, "Chase. .. you can't fall back into that habit. It's not good for you"

Chase growled at him, "Fucking circus reject, don't fucking tell ME I can't drink something, especially when I paid for it myself! Give it to me!"

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