Are We Even?

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"Meow! Mrrraaoow! Raaow!"

Anti's head hurt at sound of the loud noise. He cringed involuntarily and growled.

A cute soft chirp then sounded and he sighed softly. He felt like he had been sleeping. Really, he could fall right back asleep.

"He awake?"

Anti flinched and sat up immediately, "Gah!"

"Aaah!" some of the others in the room echoed their own shout of surprise.

Anti's head was still light and dizzy so he swayed suddenly back down on his back but with a groan, "Mmmmmmmhahh. . . .fooking hell"


Anti blinked and looked down at his belly, "What the-?"

"Oh uh . . ." Marvin came up to him and pet the cat on Anti's stomach, "She wouldn't leave your side all day. She must really like you"

"You feeling okay, man?" Chase asked a little ways away. He was currently trying to play chess with Jameson, having been waiting with the others for him to wake up.

Jackie grunted to make his presence known. Anti flinched violently, seeing the hero directly beside him, "Jaysus Christ! MAKE NOISE, FUCKER!" Luckily the cat on him wasn't phased by his outburst.

Jackie chuckled at his reaction, "Sorry. Looks like you got your attitude back"

Anti growled again but calmed when the cat started to purr again, crawling up closer to his chest to snuggle.

He melted and sighed again, "Wh-what's her name?"

"Basil" Marvin smirked, "Either you're covered in catnip or she's got a real soft spot for you"

"I haven't huffed any lately so she must just like me"

Henrik sighed, "Catnip causes different effects on a human being. It can cause hallucinations if not properly used. Could explain your behavior this morning-"

"I was fucking joking" Anti rolled his eyes and scratched under Basil's chin, "What happened?"

Chase sighed just as Jameson beat him once again, "Uh . . . you kind of freaked out. You came downstairs with your sheets covered in blood"

Jackie took over, his arms crossed, "Henrik says you were suffering from blood loss and then had a panic attack."

"Had to give you normal IV and then chocolate to help restore normal iron levels" Henrik looked through some papers, not really into the conversation, "You need to relax more. Your excessive stress and anxiety lately has not been good for you, causing you to become damn near anemic."

Anti snorted, "Not like I can just stop feeling that way. I can't help but feel distrustful of you bastards after what you all did to me, you know."

"I believe we discussed this last night-"

"Oh fuck off, Discount Dr. House! We both know what you said is bullshit! Doesn't give you ANY excuse!"

"He's right" Jackie spoke out, "We haven't exactly. . . . . been understanding. . . like Sean wanted."

"Hmph" Henrik huffed, "Sure" he said sarcastically.

"ARE WE NOT FUCKING EVEN!?" Anti shouted but the cat still didn't move, crawling even closer up under his chin. Anti stilled and whined a little, thrown off his anger by the overly affectionate cat, "Can you . . . do something about her so she doesn't get blood on her fur?"

Marvin bit his lip, trying to keep himself from grinning, "Is she bothering you? Because you don't have to worry about getting blood everywhere for a bit."

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