It's All Coming Together

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Anti crumpled to the floor, softly glitching as the others held him.

"You okay, man?" Chase had a hand on his chest to help him.

They all stared at the spot where Author had disappeared and Anti muttered half-ass to himself, "The fuck just happened?"

"I killed Author"

The Septics would never admit they flinched as the blind-folded Iplier appeared from a mirror behind them. They all watched as Dark and Damien came out as well behind him.

They all seemed to stare at each other for a bit though until Marvin finally said what they all were thinking, "Come again? What??? Who?"

Dark sighed heavily, done with the day, just wanting to go home already, "Let's discuss this elsewhere." he glanced over to Damien and nodded to him lightly, "Will I be able to see you again?"

Damien shrugged, "Honestly, I don't know. Celine always like to keep me away from trouble. . . . and you have it all over you" he chuckled, "We'll see what happens, I guess."

Anti was helped up by Henrik and he froze, "W-wait! What about my legs and-"

"Don't worry about it" Host acknowledged his fear, "Let's just go . . . it's time"

Not knowing what the hell was happening, the Septics could just agree, following Dark and Host out of the mirror to go to the Iplier house, leaving Damien behind.

"Anti!" Damien called for him and the Septic turned, "Don't worry . . . .everything will be alright. Maybe I'll see you around sometime, kid"

In an instant, they were all back in Dark's and in that instant, Anti felt his legs go numb again. Once more, he was paralyzed.

'Well it was great while it lasted.'

Luckily, Henrik had a hold of him and Jackie was helping, too.

Dark pulled out a chair for him, "Here. Put him in this. This might take a while for Host to explain. I know I sure do have a lot of questions"

"Sean should be here" Chase sighed, ignoring Anti's glare, "Anti, I know you don't think so but you KNOW he cares about you."

"Probably more than any of us" Marvin snorted, "I understand why, though . . .sort of"

Anti growled, "You don't know what he did! He fucking-"

"It wasn't his fault" Host explained, "The Host suggested that Marvin went to retrieve the Septic ego creator"

Trusting Host after all of this, the magician nodded and left only to return with both Sean AND Evelien.

Evelien immediately went to hug Anti, "Are you okay?! What happened? Is anyone hurt?"

Sean looked a little shaken up, "A-anti . . . . I'm so . . . I'm so sorry"

"Explain yourself." Anti seethed at him. He was tired of all the bullshit, he was done. He was just . . . DONE.

Before Sean could say another word, Host dropped in, "The Host would like to explain if he could. At least the first part. The Author was Mark's first ego, an extravagant ego who became far too overpowered. He narrated the lives of others and just couldn't stop, going far beyond other people's limits tearing them apart. But there was a side to the Author that hated what he had become, so he split into two and the Host, myself, was created. The Host, me, was supposed to keep him in check and he helped Mark create the other egos. That is, until he went too far and tried to narrate Mark himself and I had told him to stop but he didn't listen. In trying to end him back then, he gauged out my eyes . . . thinking he had put me in the dark. I couldn't do anything to stop him as he went on to the Septic egos"

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