Not the Cat!

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Warning: There is a trigger warning in this chapter. It is labeled when it starts and ends.

Jackie wanted to be brave when he stopped hearing the whispering. It was stark silent and that bothered him greatly.

"Jameson? What's going on in there, man? You okay?"

If it wasn't Jameson, the silence would be worrying but he didn't hear any footsteps, either.

He didn't know or realize . . . . .

"James?" Jackie reached for the door to try and break it open only to feel someone tap at his shoulder.

Jackie flinched violently and leapt back against the wall, "Ah!"

Only to suddenly relax, seeing Jameson in front of him, "Oh fuck . . . thank god. It's just you, James."

The mute looked . . . confused to say the least. He didn't know exactly what had just happened but seeing Jackie so terrified worried him, 'What's going on?'

Jackie sighed heavily, "I uh . . . I don't know. Oh! I heard. . something coming from your room, man. Like. . .whispering or something. Then it all went quiet and I was about to break . . .in"

Jameson just smiled and waved his hands around, 'Oh silly! I left my radio on! You must have heard THAT'

Jackie sighed heavily as if it calmed him, "Oh. ..okay, that makes sense. Must have just coincidentally shut off when I came up to the door" he chuckled lightly and Jameson just smiled.

There was a sudden awkward silence between them then until Jameson shrugged lightly, 'Well I'll be going into my my room again, now. Nice talking with you'

Jameson edged sort of strangely to his door and almost made sure that Jackie couldn't see inside.

Jackie did, though, and saw that his little 'puppet stage' was up.

Jackie already knew something was strange, though.

Jameson didn't own a radio.

Jackie bit his lip and walked away outside to think to himself for a bit. He wanted to think about this before bringing it up to the others.

A few hours later, with no other alcohol in the house, Henrik finally came back home to go find Chase so he could talk with him. He knew Chase and he knew that he was having a hard time again but he had to find out why so they could get past it together.

Henrik was a father, too, after all. He knew Chase's pain just as much.

Finally, Henrik found Chase in his room sitting on the floor. The doctor cleared his throat to let him know he was there and Chase glanced up at him.

"What do you want?"

"Vhat was that about earlier?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it"

"Tell zhat to Anti. Chase, you-"

Chase snorted, "Oh what do you care? You'd have done the same not long ago."

"Zhere is something you're not telling, Chase. I may not like Anti but I am coming to terms with him-"

"You say that now" Chase scoffed, "After you've seen what I did, though, you'd have a hard time thinking about trusting the bastard"

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