This is HIS Story

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Jameson heard his gramophone from inside his room. He knew it was odd because no one ever touched it but him. Who would want to? Who else even knew how to use it?

As he got closer, he could hear the soft tunes he loved so much. He could almost dance to it!

But this was so odd. He just came through a mirror. . . . .

He remembered Dark's words, though.

Which meant. . . . .

This was a memory.

Jameson swallowed and as he got to his door, finally, he shuddered. It was as if someone dropped ice down his back, he felt a jolt of cold hit him. Was it just his nerves?

He took the door handle and suddenly the music stopped.

Jameson opened the door and walked inside.

Just inside, he saw that demon staring back at him, snarling like a beast waiting for his feast.

"Hello James . . . . . Are you here for the show?"

Jameson stared back at him, noticing the lights flicker above them. There was sudden shouting downstairs for a few moments until everything stopped.

Septiceye just kept smiling at him.

Chase ran through the halls like a madman. He could hear his babies crying. His wife begging for him to find them all.


"I'M COMING!" He burst through every door he could find from their old house together but every door he tried to open, it was just . . .empty.


The screaming stopped after that.

Finally he broke through a door he recognized as the kids bedrooms and he saw them.

He saw his son and daughter huddled in a corner together with their mother looking terrified.

"What?! What is it? What happened!?"

"Daddy, I'm scared! The static man's gonna get us!" Sammy cried.

"S-static man?" Chase knew where this was going. Or so he thought.

Stacey pointed at a mirror that hung on the kids' wall.

Slowly, Chase turned to look himself.

But there was nothing there.

Chase narrowed his eyes and looked around the room only to suddenly realize he was no longer at his old house!

He was at the Septic house in the garage for some reason.

'How in the hell?' Chase was terrified but everything got worse when the lights started to flicker.

He heard abrupt shouting and Chase went to the house door but when he opened it, the shouting stopped.

Everything was quiet again but Chase knew someone was there.

So he kept walking.

Marvin found himself in an old room of his at the Septic house.

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