Not Again

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I've asked this in an announcement but I'll ask again here. For my discord server, what should I name it? Any ideas? If I get more ideas, I'll put them in a poll and we'll see what wins. So far I have Bean Patrol, JSE Bean Patrol, Graphic-Hawk's Server, Angst Alliance or even Graphic-Hawk Bean Patrol. Idk guys, help me out here! The community server will consist of discussion of my stories, the Bean Patrol, Bean Patrol RP, my OC characters, and any else you guys want to talk about that consists of 'MarvelSepticeye' :)

Marvin and Jackie followed Chase back into the house, still shaken up but Chase didn't seem to notice.

He pointed to the couch, "Where's Anti?"

Marvin paled, reaching for Basil again who was rolling around comfortably on the cushions, "I was about to ask you and Jackie that. When I came downstairs, he wasn't here"

Jackie swallowed, "He was here before I went outside. . . but .. . that was a few hours ago"

Chase looked bewildered to say the least, "Henrik was going up to see Jameson and ask him if-"

"That thing is real!" Marvin interrupted him, making both Chase and Jackie stare at him.

". . . .I figured" Chase snorted, "I-"

"I saw it, too" Jackie confessed, "Uh ... just a few moments ago, actually. Right before . . . right before Marvin came outside"

Marvin stared, a little put off, "It came to me, too a little bit ago. And I. . . well I thought I got rid of it. I'm pretty sure, anyway."

"What makes you say that?"

"I cast a curse on it to . . . well I eradicated it. Whatever it was. Into ashes or . . whatever. I'm not quite sure but I think it's gone"

"Wh-" Chase knew they were probably on a time crunch but he had to ask, "What do you think it was?"

Marvin shook his head, "Not human"

"We can talk about this later" Jackie huffed, "We need to get the others NOW. Come on!" he led the way upstairs.

Henrik opened Marvin's room to see if he was in there but couldn't see him, 'I must have just missed him somewhere. I'll talk to Jameson instead and see if he has seen anything peculiar as of late'

He rushed to the mute's room but just as Jackie had earlier . . . he could hear a soft whispering coming form behind the door.

'What the? Jameson doesn't have a TV or anything that would project noise in his room. Just a . . . gramophone.' he knocked on the door.

"Jameson! James, open zhe door! There is something we need to talk about! It cannot wait"

Henrik kept knocking until the whispering suddenly stopped and he heard footsteps coming to the door.

The doctor suddenly felt a strange feeling rise up within him. His hairs prickling off his skin as if pre-emptively warning him of danger.

He took a step back but couldn't do anything else as the door opened.

Jameson's hat was on, covering his eyes but Henrik had the alarming feeling that he could see him anyway. Something felt off.

"J-Jameson . . . . are you alright? Something is wrong in zhis house. Chase and Anti have felt something and seen something strange and I vas wondering if you have as vell"

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