Is This . . . Bonding?

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The next day was already getting weird for Anti. He was still a bit tired from yesterday's 'problem' but then again, he couldn't sleep all night. Having slept all day, it was a bit hard to just go asleep again. Plus, he had to call Sean and calm him down. Apparently he and Evelien had been really worried about him and called Chase but obviously he didn't believe him.

But Anti DID have to explain what happened and Sean wasn't pleased with that. He had asked several times if what he was saying was true.

Back to Anti's day being weird. . . . .

He came downstairs into the kitchen and sat down at the table on his phone. He was going to order breakfast online, not wanting to get any shit again like he did the other night from Henrik. He didn't want anyone saying he was a freeloader stealing their food.

He was about to order when Chase walked in. The 'father' noticed him and paused but quickly nodded to him, "Hey . . . you eat breakfast yet?"

Anti shrugged, "Ordering it right now"

"Ordering it? Like . . .online? What the fuck for?"

He shrugged again, "Just . . Henrik wasn't too happy the other night when I tried to eat some leftover tacos"

"Hm . . . well don't take it personally. Henrik's just a stickler. Plus he was extra bitchy that day. You can eat anything you want from the fridge or cupboards, man"

" . . . . . " Anti didn't really trust it, "I . . . I'm fine"

Chase snorted and leaned over the table. Anti took the moment to notice how he looked with his cap backwards and dressed in gray colors. The man smirked at him, "What you trying to order? I bet I could probably make it."

'Sean did say he was a good cook' Anti found himself drifting into his words, thinking hard about it.

But he wanted to be snarky about it first, "Think you could match Eggs Benedict?"

"Oooo! Got some fancy taste-buds, huh!? Well . . . I'm afraid we actually don't have HALF of the ingredients required for that, dude, but I could make ya some eggs if ya-"

"Don't have the ingredients for what?" Marvin popped his head in.

Chase nodded to him, "Eggs Benedict"

Anti shook his head, "I was just messing with you. I can make my own breakfast-"

"Noooo!" Chase whined, "Marvin, do the thing!"

The magician sighed, "Again?"


"What thing?" Anti was getting suspicious now.

Marvin just waved his hand and suddenly the appropriate ingredients appeared on the table.

Anti flinched, "What the-how? I mean I know HOW but. . . You couldn't have just materialized all this from nothing, right?"

Marvin shrugged, "Teleported it from a nearby store. Nothing big"

Anti stared at him, "Y-you STOLE this stuff? What the hell!? What if somebody saw!? You can't just DO that!"

Chase and Marvin stared at him strangely, obviously not expecting him to have such views.

"I couldn't agree more" they turned around to see Jackie standing at the entrance of the kitchen giving Marvin and Chase a 'look'.

Chase then rolled his eyes, "Look, man, what's the point of magic if you can't have fun with it once in a while? We won't do it again like this, if that makes it better. Just wanted to give Anti a better welcome is all"

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