Too Much To Handle

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I know I said I'd upload this tomorrow morning but I couldn't help it. Thanks for those who participated in the quick poll! Basil won by a long-shot! Enjoy the chapter 😈

Anti was lying in bed when his phone went off.

He couldn't sleep all night after his 'visit' with Henrik. Not that he could have anyway. What if they broke into his room and killed him in his sleep?

It was too much stress to deal with. Why was Sean doing this to them?

On one end, though, he really did understand the others Septic's point of view. He had those memories, too, but it was easier for him to move past it after Sean told him none of it actually happened in real life. It was easier for him because he didn't go through the pain that they supposedly did.

On the other hand. . . . they gave it all back, didn't they? From the last time he was there? Shouldn't their farce end now? He wished it could be that way.

Groaning in his pillow, Anti reached for his phone, realizing that Sean was actually trying to Facetime him.

'Fuck, and here I probably look like complete shite'

But he swiped the call anyway, faking a small smile, "Hey, man"

Sean's face appeared on screen and Evelien was behind him so she could be on the call, too, "Hey! How was your first night there? . . . You don't look like you got a lot of sleep"

"I didn't. . . . but that's okay. Maybe tonight will be better?"

"Things working out better than last time? They being nice?"

Evelien butt in, "Do you want me to come back down and kick their asses, Anti?"

Anti chuckled at her, "Nah . . . no. I'm fine. Really. They're okay with me for now, I think"

Sean didn't look like he believed him, "Anti-"

"I'm fine"

But his creator wasn't about to let it go, "What happened last night, Anti?"

He couldn't lie to him . . . Anti was shit at lying to Sean.

Anti just shrugged, though, "Chase brought me up to my room . . . that was that"

Sean frowned, "That was that? They didn't even . . . do I need to talk to them, Anti? They're not even trying, it seems"

"They're trying by not trying to kill me, Sean. And Henrik gave me a physical last night so that's something-"

"Hold up, WHAT!? Anti, did he do anything to you?!"

Anti realized the weight of his words and jumped back, "Wait, wait, wait! That came out wrong! Uh . . . He just wanted to . . . literally do a physical, Sean. Checked heart rate, blood pressure and all that shite. To have. . . records, I guess"

"Why couldn't he have just asked Dr. Iplier for them?" Evelien asked.

Anti rolled his eyes, "I asked the same thing but the stubborn prick wants his OWN records. Plus he made me take off my bandages so he could see my neck"

"So that's why your neck isn't bandaged"

Anti didn't even think about that. Did he not put new ones on!?

He lifted his hand to feel for them only to see that Sean was right, "Fuck"

Anti looked down at the bed to see the sheets were covered in blood near the top as well as the pillow cases, "Goddammit"

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