It's Just a Bug

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Henrik was at his clinic. It's been nearly a week since Anti's stayed with them and so far no problems have arisen.

But that didn't mean Henrik trusted him.

He was. . . . . odd to him.

Henrik WANTED to trust him . . . but there was just something screaming inside of him not to.

Anti had gotten extraordinarily comfortable in the last week, he noticed, too. He was eating and walking around as he pleased, playing games and cooking with the others. Talking freely.

That's not what bothered him. He was happy everyone was getting along.

What bothered him was Anti's attitude and mouth.

'He thinks he's so great. So safe. Little does he know. . . .'

Henrik blinked, not sure where that came from.

He shook his head and went back to looking at the next form for a new patient.

'I cannot worry about such things right now. As long as he's not hurting anyone and doesn't give me a reason'

He looked through the file, 'Getting stitches removed. Suffering from insomnia, headaches and depression. Thirty year-old male. Doesn't list any sleeping medication. Does not smoke or drink. I'll have to see vhat I can do, then. Maybe prescribe a melatonin pill if his depression medication allows it. See vhat is causing headaches. Might be stress from not being able to sleep'

He knew all too well what that was like. He didn't look at the name of the male but walked along to the room he was supposedly in. The nurse took his vitals for him already and he quickly looked over those, too, to see the patient had high blood pressure and his heart rate was elevated.

'Might be related to the headaches' he thought to himself.

Coming up to the appropriate room, he knocked on it twice before walking in, fixing his glasses.

Henrik looked up and immediately wanted to walk out.

"Vhat are YOU doing here!? Vhere is the patient that's supposed to be in here?"

Anti looked confused, "Uh . . I AM the patient."

Henrik narrowed his eyes at him and mumbled loudly to himself, "You cannot be serious"

Anti crossed his arms and hunched his back in the chair he was sitting in.

HIS chair.

"I am serious. . . . Marvin said I needed to come see you to get my stitches out. Said it'd be easier here than at home . . . for some reason." Anti wouldn't look him in the eyes, clearly nervous about the situation, " . . . Marv put another spell on my neck so it shouldn't bleed for a while but I can't keep the stitches in all the time"

Henrik hated that he was right and he rolled his eyes, "Very well. Fine. I will get my equipment and zhen take your vitals. Nurse wrote down they were high. And get out of my chair! Get on zhe patient bed!"

Anti hastily hopped off the chair and did as he was told, not in the mood to argue with the doctor.

Henrik left to gather things to remove Anti's stitches. While in his office, his eyes ran across the numerous drugs he had available to him.

It would be so easy.

Wouldn't they all be so much better off without this leech?

Henrik shook his head, grabbing his tools so he could head back to the room.

He slowed down as he passed a specific drug but he just kept walking.

When he returned to Anti, the glitch was on his phone.

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