Demon in the Shadows

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Jameson watched Anti silently as he tried to reach up the counter cupboards. He was. . . concerned but didn't want to intervene in case Anti shouted at him. Today was when Dr. Iplier would come over for the first time and everyone was a little on edge on what the doctor would say. Would he shout and yell at Henrik? Threaten him? And what would the other Septic egos do? Just let it happen or should they defend Henrik?

Jameson honestly didn't know what he'd do. He was just lost on what he wanted to do and what he should do. He wanted to be the nice one in all of this. He saw where Anti was coming from but it was hard to get past when he remembered Anti possessing his body. He remembered the glitch's laughter in his head. The taunting whispers. How he used him like a damn puppet on strings, throwing him around like a ragdoll only to slice his throat. It was Henrik that came to his rescue, saving his life and patching up his throat.

That's why. . . . he was so reluctant in helping Anti now. He just . .. stayed back. Letting him do his own thing. Stubbornly.

Jameson just wondered to himself. Would anyone come with Dr. Iplier?


Jameson blinked at the shout and flinched at the crash that followed only to see Anti now on the floor, crumpled and embarrassed, a few boxes of poptarts and broken-open oatmeal on top of him. Jameson reached out to go try and help him but stopped himself once again.

Anti tried to lift himself, tossing the mess off of him.

He obviously didn't even know Jameson was in the same room, the mute was so quiet.

Anti struggled by himself, turning back to the wheelchair but couldn't lift himself up, the chair moving away from him every time he tried. Jameson just barely heard Anti whine. He saw him shake and it tore at Jameson's heart.

Finally, he reluctantly stepped over and held the chair for him. He snapped his fingers at Anti, making him flinch and look up at him.

'Come on. Don't quit now. You have a long road of recovery ahead'

Anti glared at him, "Wh-what do you care? Wasn't that long ago that you HELPED the others. Fucking hypocrite"

Jameson didn't seem phased, still holding the chair.

"What? Got nothing to say to that?"

'I'm not going to try and defend myself to you, Anti. I know I did wrong. We all did. All I can do now is try my best be that in helping you or being a better person'

Anti glared at him.

They just stared at each other for a while, unblinking.

Until finally, Anti rolled his eyes and grunted as he picked himself up more, heaving himself onto the chair as Jameson held it in place for him.

Breathing a little out of breathe, Anti huffed, "Don't tell anyone about this"

'I'll clean up your mess.' Jameson quickly ruffled Anti's hair and bounced away before he could attack. To soothe him, he picked up a package of poptarts and gave it to him. Anti growled but simply ripped open the package, wheeling backwards as Jameson swept up the fallen mess.

Jackie walked in then to see the mess Jameson was cleaning and Anti sitting in his wheelchair watching, "What happened in here? Ah, is that all my oatmeal!? Dammit!"

Jameson smiled at him, 'Sorry! Everything was pretty clumped together. I couldn't stop everything from falling out!'

Anti wondered why Jameson lied for him but didn't say anything. He kind of knew why.

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