Tense Morning Meeting

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Anti knew a fake smile when he saw one.

And Chase was throwing out a big one. Unfortunately, Sean couldn't tell the difference, though, bless his heart, and neither could Evelien.

"Hey guys!" Chase grinned, "We were expecting you earlier. Traffic trouble?"

Sean gave him a quick hug which stung Anti a little, "Nah, man. We just wanted to talk a bit more is all. Must have lost track of time. Sorry about that"

Chase glanced towards Anti and it was painfully obvious he didn't want to acknowledge him but he forced himself to anyway, "Not like you'll never see each other again. I'm sure everything will work out better this time . . . ." he swallowed and tensed a little, losing his friendly nature just a tad, "You gotta understand, Anti . . . . the memories we were 'born' with-"

"And you gotta understand when Sean says that all that shit didn't happen . .. it didn't happen. What don't you get?" Anti couldn't help it. He had to force it down their throats somehow and what better way to do it then when Sean's right there with him?

Not that he was a coward or anything.

Evelien sighed, "Whoo boy. Easy there." she then addressed Chase, "He's a bit grouchy in the mornings"

Chase stared at Anti, gripping the frame of the door tightly but he nodded, taking in Evelien's words, "Yeah uh . . .yeah. Aren't we all? I could use some coffee myself"

Jackie peered over to shove Chase away, "Let them in, already, man. Looks a little chilly out. You two staying for a bit, I assume?"

Sean nodded, "Oh yeah. I wanna make sure Anti's comfortable before we take off."

"Not a fooking dog, McLoughlin" Anti scoffed and stuffed his hands in his hoodie pouch to foo around with the fidget cube again. This was way too tense for its own good.

Sean ruffled Anti's hair, "Nah, you're more like a spoiled brat"

Anti seemed to pout at that, "Whatever, 'dad'"

Marvin chuckled from the other room, "THAT could be taken out of context!"

"Shut up, Marv!" Sean shouted.

Chase let them all in, "Let's chill in the living room for a bit. I'll get some coffee and tea made up. How do you like your coffee, Anti? Or do you want tea?"

The glitch was a bit thrown off by the question but spoke softly, "Coffee. Tons of milk and sugar and some ice?"

The father egos hummed "Didn't take you as a sweets kinda guy"

"Yeah well there's a lot you don't know about me" Anti trailed behind Gab and Sean as Chase went off to get the beverages.

Jackie, Marvin and Jameson made some room for them all along the couch and chairs but Anti chose to stick tight to Sean.

Catching the action, Sean smiled, "Hey Marvin. . . . how's your cat doing? She up in your room?"

"You have a cat?" Anti was suddenly intrigued. He loved animals more than humans. Who wouldn't?

Marvin was taken aback but smiled a bit, "Uh . . yeah. Got her last year after the last time you were here. You like cats? Or are you allergic?"

"I . . . I like cats. I mean, your mask freaks me out but-OW! Hey!"

Sean elbowed him to shut him up, "You have no filter, do you?"

"It's fine" Marvin chuckled and took his mask off to ease him a bit. Anti was slightly drawn to the scar on the side of the magician's face that went from his eyebrow down to his jaw. He had another nick over his nose but they weren't . . . bothersome at all, "You can meet her later if you want. Last I saw, she was upstairs taking a nap."

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