New Story: Uncle Anti!

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The Septic egos and Anti fight a lot. Anti has always been a prick but now. . . he might have gone too far. Intent on messing with Chase's life along with all the other's, he kidnaps his kids only to discover that it might not have been all fun and games as he thought.

Excerpt from the story:


"I don't know what you mean!" the other laughed in his face.

"You know DAMN well what I'm talking about! Give him back, you sick fuck!"

Anti nonchalantly picked at his nails from inside the TV, "What's the password?"

Chase seethed at him, "The password is FUCK-OFF! Now stop fucking around, you bastard!"

"Oh, I don't think I will. He's so fun to play with, you see. Maybe next time! Meanwhile, you better hold on to the others while you can, Brody. You never know how much time you'll have left with them!" he laughed maniacally, "See you boys later!"

With that, Anti vanished into the white noise, leaving Chase to punch the TV, busting it.

To view the rest of the story, please go to my profile. The story is called, 'Uncle Anti' and it's up right now!

Enjoy! 💚

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