Imagination Is a Powerful Thing

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Prepare yourselves :)

After coming back home, Dark was still upset but he knew there was nothing he could really do to help his friend. He wanted so bad to rip Henrik's head off his body and chop up the rest of the Septic egos bodies into pieces with an ax (Celine's idea). . . . .

But he couldn't do that. Only in his head.

Mark would come after him otherwise and he didn't need that right now. Not with all he had going on and had planned.

He still had to find Actor and he knew Mark was hiding him somewhere but he didn't know where. But he'd find out.

Until then, he thought it'd be best to distract himself a little. Maybe it'd be good for him.

'I could try and see if Google could tell me anything or Bing. Or maybe I could get Wil just sane enough to see if he would have an idea. Or maybe Host could have something in mind? I could even try and go to Celine in the void. She was a seer. Maybe I'll ask her first'

Dark gently tapped his cane on the ground, closing his eyes, letting himself be dragged off into the void.

'I have to try something to help Anti. If I can't do anything then what kind of friend am I? That's what it means to be a friend, right? I'm not quite sure. . . . . still new to it all.'

When he reopened his eyes, he was at the cabin. He saw the fire lit up already and he smiled softly, 'If anyone will know what to do, it's her'

Anti sat in his bed, rubbing his legs just as Henrik had before. He didn't want the doctor touching him like that again so he just thought it best to do it himself. He could try and lie but he knew that'd be a bust. He was never too good with lying.

But it felt so weird to rub his legs. He couldn't . . feel anything. It was like rubbing separate limbs that didn't belong to him. Someone else's legs? At least Marvin was right before . . . he could still feel a . . . other different SORT of limb . . . . .

Marvin tried another dark spell on him today and it tickled but afterwards that feeling disappeared very quickly.

How disappointing.

But what was even more disappointing was how the other Septics were acting towards him now. They weren't mean per se but yet . . . they weren't too friendly, either.

Anti felt lately that maybe he had done something wrong but he pushed those thoughts away. He couldn't think like that! It wasn't his fault! He didn't do anything to them!

Jameson had been avoiding him along with Jackie. The hero stayed in the garage working out mostly or going out to stop a robbery every once in a while.

He stopped hanging out with Anti, not that the glitch could do anything with him he wanted to do.

And it seemed as if Marvin spent most of his time trying to find a good spell to heal him and Anti felt bad but also . . . . it wasn't his fault Marvin chose to stay up all the time researching and reading for a spell that may or may not exist. At least Basil was still affectionate and hung out with him.

Henrik was pretty much the same every once in a while checking in on him out of need that he felt he HAD to.

And Chase . . . .

Something was seriously off about Chase lately. After Dr. Iplier's visit a few days ago, he's just been so . . distant. He refused to look at Anti just like the first day he moved in there.

Every so often, Anti would catch Chase glaring at him.

Anti thought about taking Evelien up on her offer but pushed that aside.

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