Up In Flames

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I started up my discord for you guys! You can find the link for the invite on my conversations tab :D

Anti stared at the flicker that found its way onto the rug.

He could just watch as it started to grow and grow, burning on the rug like fuel.

'Shit! What do I do!?' he started to hyperventilate and he weakly made himself sit up, 'Dark, why'd you have to leave so fucking quick!?'

Anti tried desperately to fling himself off the bed but then suddenly realized something dire.

He didn't have a wheelchair here and it was fucking WINTER outside which meant it came down to either burning to death or freezing!

The fire grew larger and found its way to the wood floors, burning off of it instead of the rug, "Dammit!" Anti rolled himself over to try and pull open the window by the bed but it was frozen stiff and hard to move.

'Oh god, no not like this!' Even if he could break the glass, the window panes were too small to get through, 'Dark! Marvin! Somebody!'

The roaring flames were getting closer and closer and black smoke started to fill the cabin, making it harder and harder to breathe.

It felt like his lungs were burning from inhaling it but he had no choice.

'I don't have any other options' Anti didn't know how this started or why but the only thing on his mind was surviving.

Even if he didn't deserve to.

He flopped himself down on to the floor just inches away from the flames. He felt as if his hair would singe if he got any closer.

He rolled himself towards the door and started to crawl on the ground towards it. Every once in a while, he checked behind him to make sure his legs didn't catch on fire.

'It's just one thing after another!' Finally, Anti reached the door but soon realized he couldn't open it if he wanted to. The handle was too high and if he opened it now, the new air would cause the flames to burst out most likely frying him.

His only option, really was to glitch out but if he did THAT, then he was at risk to having another seizure.

He was scared.

What was he supposed to do?

Dark was out of ideas. He didn't know where else to turn.

He found himself in front of Host's door and knocked loudly, "Host! I know you probably saw me coming! Let me in! We need to talk"

A moments of silence dragged on before the strange man finally creaked open the door, "The Host asked Dark what he wanted, knowing full well already want he wanted but to him, it was a little slice of humor"

"I don't have time for jokes and you know that" Dark seethed, "You know why I'm here. Tell me who it is"

"The Host confesses he didn't know who this villain was. He urged Dark to try and look to Mark for answers"

The Host wen to shut the door only for Dark to stop him, shoving his foot in so it wouldn't close, "We both know Mark is a fool. He barely knows a damn thing about ANY of us and you know it!"

"The Host knew Darkiplier was angry but he tried to insist that there was nothing he could do. Nothing the Host could do. It pained him to say that he couldn't help his friend because this villain was of an otherworldly phenomenon who obviously had more power than anyone realized."

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