Andy and Robert's secret

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Robert and Andy have been married for almost 5 years now and the whole team has always known about their relationship, but they did not know that the two were hiding a big secret.

They were in the middle of their 24-hour shift and the situation had been quiet enough. In the last 12 hours they had received 3 calls for the rescue car and another 2 calls where the whole team had intervened for two small incidents, but nothing took much time. While everyone was in the kitchen eating a snack, including Sullivan, when Andy's phone started ringing. She took the phone out of her pocket and looking at the name appearing on the screen felt a shiver through her body and immediately answered the phone.

Andy: "Hello?"

Grace: "Mrs. Sullivan?"

Andy: "Yes, it's me"

Grace: "I'm Grace, Emily's teacher. I'm calling her because Emily fell over while playing with her friends. He has small scratches on his body and a small cut on his head" Hearing this Andy turns pale, opens his eyes wide and drops the cup with the coffee he was holding on the floor. Sullivan seeing Andy immediately understood who could be on the phone. While this was happening, Grace was still talking on the phone. "We'd like to take Emily to the Gray-Sloan to make sure it's nothing serious, can you join us there?"

Andy: "We'll be right" she replied as he looked at Sullivan with a worried expression.

The team looked to Andy and Sullivan to figure out what was going on, but they couldn't find a valid explanation why the two were behaving like that.

Maya: "Andy? Everything is alright? You turned pale and dropped the cup on the floor"

Andy: "I... I... I..." she didn't know what to say, she didn't want the team to find out about Emily that way.

Robert: "Sorry, but for personal reasons we will have to leave. As soon as possible we will explain everything"

Without hearing a response from the team, Andy and Robert ran to the car to drive to the hospital. On the way from the station to the hospital, Robert asks Andy what happened, she told him she had fallen, had a cut on her head and they were taking her to the hospital to check that it was nothing serious. Hearing those words, Robert sped up, he didn't care if he got a fine, the important thing was that their little girl was fine. Andy was crying and Robert took her hand hoping she could calm down at least a little by whispering that everything would be okay and their baby would be fine and then he kisses her on the hand. Since the hospital is just a few blocks from the station, there was little traffic and they arrived in about 10 minutes. When Robert parked the car, he got out and walked over to Andy's side, opening the door and letting her out. Running they went inside looking for someone who could tell them about Emily. While they were asking a nurse where her daughter was, Meredith Grey came and asked what had happened and then took them to the girl's room. As soon as they entered the room, Emily was delighted to see her parents.

Emily: "Mom! Dad!"

They both rushed to the side of the child and held her in a big hug. Meredith didn't want to disturb, but she had to check the child to make sure everything was okay. Luckily the cut on her head was superficial and she didn't need to stitch, but she would have to remain under observation for 24 hours before being discharged as she hit her head. After thanking Meredith for taking care of Emily they sat on the bed next to their daughter and hugged her again.

Robert: "I'll call someone who can replace us while we're not there"

Andy: "Okay"

Robert: "Did you call your father?"

Andy: "Not yet"

Robert: "Call him now, otherwise he goes to kindergarten and can't find it"

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