Chapter 1

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I just moved with mama to encanto and she wants me to meet the madrigals which I'm actually pretty excited cause she said there's kids around my age. I mean I never really had friends but it's good to make some right? I think to myself as I kinda explore the town and I bump into someone, I couldn't really see what they look like all I saw was a yellow poncho. The firgue stand up and put his hand out to help me up I accept it not wanting to be rude.

"Sorry about that" I say as wiping off the dirt "it's alright are you new? I've never seen you before" he asked while tilting his head "uh yea I just moved here" I answered him

He had brown curly hair w/ green eyes and cute little freckles. "I would show you around but I can't my Tia Julieta wants us to meet her friends daughter, maybe I'll see you around?" He says "yea I guess I actually have to get going too" I say with a slight smile

~Time skips a few minutes~
"Come on Mija" mama says, I reply with "coming mama give me one second, ok here I come!"

I'm really excited to meet them! We get there and before we could knock the door swang open and Some girl was standing right there must be Dolores I mean she looks like how mama described her. "Welcome back mrs. Sanchezs and you must be the famous y/n"
Dolores said with a big grin on her face

She told us that everyone was in the dining room already so we followed her to the dining room and I see the same boy I saw from earlier sitting there.

"Please take a seat" Abulea said

I took a seat next to the same guy I saw earlier since that was the only seat left available as mama sat next to some women with a blue dress on.

Everyone introduces them self and when it got to the boy from earlier he turned in his chair and said "hola I'm Camilo" and kiss my hand
I laugh a bit cause it was funny

"Just like your father" Tia pepa said

I introduced myself as they already know about me assuming mama talked about me a lot. We finished eating and Mirabel showed me around castia and we talked while walking around.

Something felt off tho but it didn't matter to me.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now