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This might not be a surprise...

Beyond the comments..

Thank you so much for those Appu29301 and Wolflight_Coder

There were countless people reaching out to me through other ways...

One of them went as far as saying I only have the app coz of your books...

I teared up... that's the second person I got here... someone else... two of them actually... joined the app to read what I wrote... I can't...


This conflict in 'should I keep writing' is real... and I've been through this... with myself and more...

Of all though... discussions I've had with a fellow writer... and just reading their work... have always been a bright light...

Thank you jikxok

Maybe people don't realise, but you often feel like nothing is coming out of this... you pause... end up coming back... only to go again... and clearly... no one is reaallllyy excempt from all that...

I do write poetry as well, but then again I don't do it often... I don't call it quits, but I disappear frequently...

Mainly being someone who has barely no time if I completely focus on academics enough... but I want to do this out of passion... yet... not an easy balance... and I'm already not someone who can easily make myself invest hours to even watch things like a series... which is why I don't get through every single anime and all... not because I don't like it...

So with poetry being short (er) and also Insta having that limit on its characters... you can truly write in a spur... all you need to do is get one apt picture to go...

Here though... it takes an effort to detail... and especially to invoke the same feelings

I thought about all that I'd been told...

And brought back my ideas on a second series...

With it ringing in my ears of how someone told me "IT'S TOO INCOMPLETE"

I'm here to announce things...

I will be putting this up for the national Wattys.
My other completed works are already up.

As to why I say Other...

When this comes out... the "completed" tag will come off...

I'll be working to spin a plot here right after...

Submissions end on the 20 th of next month...

I have exams till the 2nd...

I've been publishing quite a bit of poetry of late...

But I'll be sequencing till the 2nd... I'll have under 18 days... to manage to slowly converge this in... to give every single one some closure...


About a second book on this/ related to this...




>For being so infrequent
>For stopping abruptly... tbh I'd had a fallout of sorts with someone and I broke down completely... I didn't expect to survive it...
>For not being able to write that other FF I had hinted at...
>For not completing the CB97 FF yet

SehunBaekhyun4 the apology is directly to you, the one who always brings out the multi and the Stay in me! Qnd maybe even the Deobi ><
Maybe something Q will be out soon-

Don't quote me on this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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