Chapter 1

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Zandrea's POV

"Wake you Zandrea!!" this was the 4th time someone shouted from downstairs. I finally decided to wake up and i realized it was my mother screaming to wake me up. "Fine am awake." i yelled back. I roll over to the side table to get my phone. It was already 8:30.

I quickly got up from my bed. Went into my bathroom and did my morning routine and then, got dressed into a plain baggy black t-shirt and black leggings with white vans.
I quickly went down stairs to see my mama eating her breakfast in the kitchen. I joined her.

Mama~ "I am going to work. Take care. Love you baby."
Zandrea~"Bye. Love you too mom."
My mama works at one of the big companies here in New York, the Knights Cooperation. They pay well so we do not live in a poor condition nor is it luxurious.

By the way, i am Zandrea Costa. I am 18 years old and i have been living in New York for as long as i can remember. I just finished my highschool 9 months ago. I know a number of languages: English, Italian, Russian and French. I am the best streetfighter in the whole world and i am known as the 'Devil's Angel'. I cam hack into any system and also know my way with guns. It was my mother, Gianna who made me learn all this saying that it can come into use anytime.
She never told me anything about my father. I tried asking but i noticed the sad look on her face everytime and after a few tries and getting no information, i stopped talking about it. I obviously did not want to make my mother sad.

As i finish eating, i hear my baby crying. He just woke up. I run upstairs, and check his diaper. Since its clean, i put out one of my breasts and he latches on it like there is no tomorrow.
By the way, his name is Leonardo. He is 5 months old. His father's name is Ace deLuca, i know nothing more about him but he is not with us. I will tell you about that later.

Once he is done feeding, he looks at me and gives me a give smile.
Zandrea~ "Awwww my babyyy!!" i coo at him. And put him on my shoulder to help his digest and to burp him.
After he burps, i talk him to the bathroom and put him in his baby tub to bath him. I dress him in a cute white onesie.

I and Leo played with his toys and watched a few cartoons

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I and Leo played with his toys and watched a few cartoons. After feeding him again, he fell asleep. It is already 11:30. So, i decide to cook some lunch. While doing this, i call my bestie, Alessia Smith.
She is also a streetfighter. She is almost the same as me, can fight, can use a gun, and speaks many languages. We are like sisters. I met her at one of my fights about a year ago and we just vibed and the rest is history.

After three rings, she finally picked up my call. (Z-Zandrea & A-Alessia)
Phone call:
Z- "heyyy my bitchhh"
A- "hiiiiiii, whatsup girl?"
Z- "nothing Leo juat fell asleep and am cooking lunch. What bout you?"
A- "nothing eating my take out."
Z- "do you have any fights tonight?"
A- "nahh. You??"
Z- "nope. So if u have nothing to do come over."
A-"sure. I will be there in 2 hours. I have to go grocery shopping and then i will come over."
Z-"okay. See ya. Bye."

End of call.

After that i ate my lunch, and washed my plate and cleaned up the kitchen. Since there was still time for Alessia to be here, i go to my and Leo's bedrooms to get all our dirty clothes and decide to do laundry. After about an hour, i finished with the laundry work. I, then go and check on Leo and find him asleep.
I go to the living room and login my netflix and atart watching The Originals for like the 20th time. After about 1 and a half episode, the door opens and Alessia enters in with snacks and soft drinks. See, this is why i love her soooo much.
I know you are wondering how she entered in, well she has a spare key of my house because she lives here most of the time. She even has her own room in my house.

We greet each other with the heys and hellos. Then, we sit down and start eating the snacks while watching The Originals. After about 4 episodes, my baby woke up. So, Alessia and i started playing with him while watching the series.
Time passes by so fast that it is already dark outside. Leonardo's almost falling asleep so i put him to sleep after feeding him and put him in his room. It is almost 7:30. And since my mama is at home by 8, i decide to prepare dinner so she can come home and directly eat and have some rest. Alessia helps in cutting the veggies.
We just finish tidying the kitchen and we hear the doorbell. I go to open it, and i am shocked to see who is infront of me.
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