Chapter 27

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
After all the shopping, we head home. Let me tell you in advance, WE ARE LATE. VERY LATE. We had to be home hours before and now it is 10 pm. And we have not informed anyone at home. Let's see how that goes...

We reach at the mansion gate and stop there so the men at the gate can instruct the security to open the gate.
Man 1~"Thank God you are safe."
Man 2~"Open the gates now."

'Umm okay that was weird.' I say to myself. But i realize what that was about when we get out of our cars and head inside to the lounge room. Ace, Adriano, Alonzo, Lorenzo, Luca and Vincent are pacing around like mad men and my younger cousins and brothers seem to be calming them down while trying not to laugh.

Once, they hear us enter, they turn and look relived but a little angry.
Adriano~"Where the fuck were you girls?"
Lorenzo~"Don't you think you should have call us to inform us that you will be late?"
Amara~"You could just track one of our phones and you would know where we are." She says as she rolls her eyes.
Aurora~"Exactly or you could call any one of us and we would tell you?" She also rolls her eyes. Pregnancy hormones and attitude, i tell you.

This whole time Ace and i were just staring into each other's eyes. I can see his emotions in his eyes. They are filled with worry, relief, happiness and love. He walks towards me and hugs me tightly and i hug him too. I knew he needed it because he knows am strong but he was worried. He pulls away and holds my hands and looks at me.

Ace~"We were all just worried babe. We know you all are strong and can fight anyone for each other but we didn't have any choice other than worry. We tried calling but i guess the network was not well there. We were just about to send a search party to look for you girls. You understand what am trying to say babe?"
Zandrea~"I know. And we are sorry. We should not have worried you guys. We should have called but we lost track of time. We finished our party shopping and then decided it would be a better idea if we did the dress shopping for our wedding early." I saw and his eyes are filled with love and happiness hearing about our wedding.

Ace~"It's okay. We are not angry with any of you, just worried. And did you find a dress?"
I nod and give him a big smile.
Ace~"Can i see it?"
Amara~"Nooo you can't."
Aurora~"No no no." They say at the same time with full of attitude again. Ughhhh these fucking pregnancy hormones. I look at them to see all my brothers and cousins hugging their girls. Awwww, even mafia men can be big softies.

I see Adriano looking at Amara with so much love and adoration. It looks like he is lost in his thoughts. And then i see him pull away from Amara and hold her hand and get down on his knees. All us girls seem to have noticed this and we scream, 'woahh', 'yeaa', 'yess'. We are just crazy at times. Amara is a emotional mess and she is full on crying.

Adriano~"I was going to plan a special surprise to do this but today when i couldn't get a hold of you and thinking that something might have happened to you and that i might lose you. I thought i shouldn't waste a single second and just ask you, already.
You have been by my side always. You have been there for me whenever i was feeling low and stressed. Just so you could be with me and could understand my problems, you took the Omèrta. You have been selfless with all your acts towards me. You are the most beautiful and strong woman i have known and loved. And now you are going to give me the most precious gift of my life." He says as he rubs her stomach. He removes a box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a beautiful ring.
Adriano~"So today, i want you to be selfless one more time and honor me by accepting to marry me baby?"

Amara is standing with tears in her eyes, looking at Adriano with pure love. She nods her head slowly as she says yes. Adriano slides the ring on her finger stands up and hugs her and kisses her. Everyone congrats them not only for the wedding but also for the baby news. Aurora looks at me and i nod at her. I go to Alonzo who is congratulating Adriano and take him with me to sit on one of the sofas. Everyone seems to have noticed this but they don't say anything and i am grateful for that. They also sit down. I nod at Aurora so she can come over and talk to him.

I know you are thinking that she might want privacy and all that but she doesn't. Maybe she might want it but she is scared and doesn't want to do this alone. She asked me to make sure everyone was here so if he thinks he doesn't want the baby then we can all talk to him. I, personally don't think that will be needed. But she wants to tell him when everyone is around then so be it. I stand up and go sit next to Ace only for him to pull me on his lap so we can cuddle. I tell you this man here is a very big softie. I look to see Aurora sit next to Alonzo and hold his hand. I can see the confusion on everyone's face even Alonzo. But when we sees Aurora's face filled with worry, he also gets worried.

Alonzo~"Babe, what's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?" He says as he checks her out trying to see if he can see a wound or scratch.
Aurora~"Am fine." She says slowly and silently.
Alonzo~"Then babe what is it? Are you feeling unwell?"
Aurora~"Umm.. am..m pregnant." She looks down not even daring to look at him.

Out of all the girls, Aurora is the most shy and silent one. I know she is in the mafia and she can fight. But she is like this normally. She can kill you if you hate someone she loves but she is the most shy one. I see everyone happy but they don't say anything since it is their moment and they want Alonzo to talk to her first. Everyone knows how Aurora is.

But it doesn't take long for Alonzo to recover from his shock and turn to Aurora. He sees the way she is not looking at him and frowns. He takes her hand and lifts her face with the other hand.

Alonzo~"Why are you like this, baby? You should be happy then why are you shying away?"
Aurora~"I was thinking you don't want this baby." She looks away again.
Alonzo gets off the sofa and kneels down infront of her so he can see her face properly.
Alonzo~"Amore, why won't i want the baby? It is our baby. You are the only woman i have ever loved and the only one i wanted to be the mother of my child. I love you and i will even love our baby. I would even ask you to marry me right this moment but i don't have a ring on me right now. And i want that moment to be the most special one for you."
Aurora~"You really want the baby?" She lifts her head to look at him with a beaming face.
Alonzo~"Yess i do baby." He says with a smile too.

She hugs him and he starts chuckling. We all get up and wish them. Once we are all done, we call my aunts, uncles, papa and grandpa here as well to tell them the good news. Once they are here, they congrats all of them. Alonzo is like a son of the family too and everyone loves him as one too. So, everyone is happy for him too. We all decide to go for a family dinner tomorrow as a celebration for my engagement, Adriano'a engagement and baby news and Alonzo's baby news too.

Since it is late, Ace stays at my place. Thinking about all the baby news, i also think if Ace would want to have another baby in which he could experience everything that i went through at the time of Leo. I want another baby but i don't know if he wants another one. And i also don't want to pressurize him into wanting one for me.

The night is spent by Ace and i making love, cuddling, talking about what we might want in the wedding and all. I don't know when i fell asleep in between the talks.



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