Chapter 16

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story(Ace's POV),
Will she forgive me? Will she give me a second chance?

After Amara and Adriano's conversation, i look at Ace and he looks like he had made a huge mistake. He signals for Elijah and Adriano to go over to him. He says something to them and they reply and separate. Elijah goes over to Don Gabriel and his wife, Isabella. Adriano heads over to me. And Ace goes somewhere inside the house. And i am hella confused. Like one minute, he was trying to talk to me and the other, he just left without saying anything.

Adriano~"I know you are confused. But the Russians have got alot of information from this conversation and we obviously don't want them to get more inner information that can harm our family. So, why don't i and you go to Ace's office and we will explain what happened that time and why he left you."
Zandrea~"Okayyy." I saw curiously because if my own brother is in his side then he definitely had a good reason for all the things, right?

He leads me to where Ace went, i think. It looks like his office from outside. I with Leo in my arms enter in without knocking. Well, he asked for me not the other way around. I enter in to find Ace standing there with a glass of bourbon. I go and sit on one of the sofas like i am the boss here. And Ace looks at me in amusement.

Adriano~"Will you behave or do i have to take all the guns in here with me?"
Zandrea~"We are fine brother."
Adriano~"Okay sorella. And Ace hurry up, it is your coronation. You have to be there."
Ace~"okayy and thanks for bringing her here." with a nod my brother goes back to the cremony.

The moment Adriano closes the door, I pull my dress down exposing one of my breast.
Ace~"Whattt you doingg?" he asks in a flustered manner. I ignore him. And pick Leo up from my side and he latches on my breast instantly. I find Ace still looking at Leo latched on my breast and i raise one of my eyebrows and say;
Zandrea~"You have seen me naked but only my exposed breast gets you flustered?"
Ace~"Well, i haven't been with any woman after I left you so yaa even that flusters me i guess, afterall you were my first and only one."

Shocked is an understatement. I did pick that up from Elijah's comment before but hearing it and getting it confirmed by Ace, himself is another thing. I feel happy and special. But still confused.

Zandrea~"Umm.. That day when you said all that, i had come to tell you that i was pregnant but you left after saying hateful words. You didn't even wait and listen to me." i say sadly. Even my eyes start to water but i blink a few times to prevent tears from spilling out.
Ace~"God, am a fool. Am really really sorry, Zandrea for being an asshole. If i had just listen to you once. If only I knew you were pregnant, I would bring you here with me, and taken care of you like the queen i always thought you are. If only..." he said looking at me. His eyes had a lot of emotions swimming in them; sadness, regret, guilt.

Ace~"Zandrea, I just wanna say that i cared for you back then and still do care, il mio amore. And that is the main reason why i had to leave. The Russians were planning another attack on both our mafias. They knew i had rejoined high school in another country and had a spy giving them information about everything i did there. Elijah and my younger brother, Matteo came to give me this information that day. They showed me who it was and i had to say all that to you in front of the spy so he could believe me. I did not wait because i couldn't see the tears in your eyes, i didn't want to see hatred towards me in your eyes. I had to make it all seem real because i didn't know what information he had given to the Russians. He might have told them about how important you are to me and put you in harm. And i didn't want that at all. After the things cooled down and everything was solved, i put all my men into looking for you. But now i know why i was getting distracted from hacking you, it was your mother hacking into our systems. And your family knows about this, they didn't know the girl but they know everything i have done to look for you and that is why they are not saying anything. Please trust me. I loved you and still do. Please forgive me. Am really sorry, il mio amore." He pleaded.

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