Chapter 23

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story (Ace's POV),
I make the necessary arrangements for tomorrow's date with Zandrea. I text a few of my trustworthy men to get things done before it is time. With that done, i fall asleep with Zandrea in my dreams...

I wake up in my bed the next morning. I might have fallen asleep after Leo did last night in the movie room. I think one of my brothers brought me to my room. I get up from my bed and check on Leo to find him asleep. I take a shower and I change into some casual clothes.

I go and check on Leo again to find him awake playing with his teddy bear and giggling. I pick him up.

Zandrea~"Heyy baby. Good morning." He puts his little hands on my cheeks and looks at me with a smile. And i kiss his nose. I pick up my phone to see it is 9 am. So i decide to get Leo sorted so i can go downstairs and eat something. As i look at the time, i see a text from Ace from yesterday night.

"Good night my Queen. Hope you remember to be ready by 4 pm tomorrow. See you tomorrow, il mio amore."

I look at it and smile. He called me his love so he still does love me like i still do. Maybe it won't be that bad of a decision to give him a second chance. And he has been trying really hard to keep Leo happy. He also wants to take me out so i am sure, he means what he said because of all his efforts.

"Hey, Good morning. And i remember. See you at 4!"

I get Leo sorted and head downstairs. I see my girls and my brothers except of the twins and triplets, maybe they are still asleep.
Amara~"Morning babe."
Zandrea~"Morning." I say with a smile as i put Leo in his chair next to me.
Alessia~"You decided on what to wear?"
Alonzo~"For what? You going somewhere?"
Zander~"Yeaa twinny. You didn't mention anything. Where are you going?"
Bella~"Let her answer atleast."
Zandrea~"I have a date with Ace today." I say like it's no big deal but on the inside i am nervous and excited. My heart is beating so fast.
Amara~"Seriously baby. No other words except ohh."
Adriano~"Well out of everything, i was not expecting that. I didn't even know she gave him a chance already."
Elena~"Didn't you see them talking yesterday?" She asks with raised eyebrows.
Adriano~"I did but most of it was about Leo. And he is his son too. So, i thought that they are only talking about Leo."
Lorenzo~"I thought the same."

They continue talking among themselves like i don't even exist. Not like i am complaining, i mean it is better than them asking be questions when i don't even have answers.

Zander~"Well i don't care. All i know is that you did the right thing twinny. And you know i have your back. If he fucks this up, he will find himself 6 ft under. As long as you are happy and loved, i need nothing more."
Adriano~"He is right, sorella."
Giovanni~"Did anyone else notice Zander is behaving so mature since Zandrea came?"
Aurora~"Truee. I am not saying he wasn't mature before, but he is just more caring and protective over Zandrea. And i know that he would kill and die for her." Everyone agrees to this. I look at Zander and see him looking at me too. I give him a smile and he gives one in return too.
Zander~"What can i say, i love my twinny more than anyone and anything."
Zandrea~"I love you too twinny."

After finishing breakfast. My brothers go get their work sorted for the day. I take Leo to my room to get an outfit ready. And obviously the girls were hot on my heels. We get in and all the girls go to my closet as i put Leo on the bed with pillows around him with his toys. I, then go to the closet to see them looking through my clothes.
Amara~"Where is he taking you, did he mention?"
Zandrea~"Yup. We will do some hiking and then we will go to the beach. Thats all he said."
Aurora~"Woahh that's very thoughtful. Adventurous but romantic kind of."
Bella~"Beach means hot bikini is needed."
Alessia~"Ohh yess."
Elena~"i found the perfect one." She said before i could say anything.
Amara~"Damn girl that one is hot."
Aurora~"You mean sexy and it will look way more sexy on that body of hers."
Zandrea~"Guys, you do know that it's just the first date, right?"
Amara~"Come on, babe. Alessia gave her virginity on her first date. And Ace is already having blue balls since he hasn't been with anyone after you. So, never know babe, never know."
Bella~"No buts babe. Drop it. You won't win you know."

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