Chapter 4

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
There was also a letter with my name on it. And a big envelope with the name 'Moretti' on it...

I took the bag filled with money, the letter and the envelope to the bed. Alessia looked at me confused and i just gave her a look saying i don't know either.

I decide to open the letter first and started reading it:

My dear Zandrea,

I know you are a little confused as to why i wrote this letter and what that envelope contains. Since you are reading this letter, it means that am no longer with you but i need my baby to be strong.

I know i never told your anything about your father. I hope you can forgive me for keeping you away from him. But my baby, please know that what i did was to keep you safe. Your father's name is Alessandro Moretti and that envelope contains information about him, his brothers, your brothers and your cousins.

I was a good hacker so i kept my tabs on them to keep tract of everything that happened over the years. Your father was the don of the Italian mafia which he passed on to the eldest son, Adriano just a few years back.

When i was pregnant with you, the Russians were trying to start a war with us to become the strongest mafia in the world. I knew that with the help of the Americans we could defeat them. But the fucking Russians started to send threats towards me. I knew this was stressing your father out and he would never forgive himself if something ever happened to me. But your father tends to make mistake when he is stressed. So, when i found out i was pregnant with you, i knew i had to leave or else we would become a leverage and get our family killed.

One night, when your father was out, i left him a letter saying, "I will be back but i need you to end the war and take care of our sons. I promise to stay low and be safe." I did not tell him anything about you because it would put him in more stress.

It took a lot of time for the war to end, almost an entire year. But the Russians were still angry so i thought that it would be the best if i do not go back. Though your father is still trying to find me but i constantly distract them with my hacking.

You, my love are the only girl that has been born in the Moretti Family after generations, and you would become a weakness for everyone. I decided to get you into fighting classing and teach you how to use guns. So that when the time comes for you to go to them, you are not a weak princess but a strong one. So, you can be their strength. And i am proud of the woman you have grown into.

I know by now that you might have already done my burial. But i want you to take my body to where our family is. We have a special family cemetery and i want to be put to rest there.
I have their address in that envelope. I think it is time for you to go to your family. I know your father will recognize you as his daughter that moment ge see you because you look like me but have his eyes. But if they ask for a DNA test, please don't feel bad.

Tell your father and brothers that i still love them with every fiber in my body and i missed them alot. Burn this letter and envelope after you finish reading everything. I want you to stay strong and to not trust anyone except of family.

I love you my babygirl.
Gianna Costa Moretti

By the time I finished reading the letter, i was crying. I don't hate my mama, i could never do that. I am shocked, speechless and anxious. My family is the head of the Italian Mafia. Alessia is looking at me with worry and confusion. She hugs me and tries to calm me down. I tell her everything  that waa on the letter and she is shocked too.

I pick up the envelope and see information about my father, my SIX elder brothers, my father's two younger brothers and my NINE elder cousins. My brothers and cousins look hot, looks like we all got the hot genes. I have a total of FIFTEEN BROTHERS. I am shocked is an understatement. The envelope also has information about some of the higher members in the Mafia.

Alessia~"What's the plan girl?"
Zandrea~"What?" i look at her shocked.
Alessia~"So, you really think that i will let you go alone to meet people who you have never met?"
Zandrea~"I know its dangerous but i cannot ask you to leave your entire life and come meet my family."
Alessia~"You called me your family just an hour back and you think i will leave you now? No no not happening girl. Now tell me what you want to do?"
Zandrea~"To be honest, I don't know. I always wanted to meet my father but am scared. What if they don't like me? What if they don't want me? But i also know that i have to go because mama wants her body to be buried there."
Alessia~"Then we go. I will be there with you every step of the way. My match money and your match money combined, we have lots. If they do not want you then we will think of what to do from there."
Zandrea~"Thank you. I seriously do not know how i would have survived if you were not here with me."
Alessia~"Anytime babes. Now we need to hire a private jet since we have lots of things to take including guns and weapons. We never know when we might need them. And we have a total of 4 cars. Let us sell 2 and take the other two with us. We can buy more from there if needed."
Zandrea~"Looks like you have everything planned. My master mind. Hahaha. Let me book the flight and you can go get someone who can buy 2 of our cars and get your stuff packed from your place and get it here. By the way, i will be keep my white Porsche."
Alessia~"Okay. I will be back in a few hours."

She leaves and i decide to burn the envelope and letter as i was told making sure to keep the address safe.after am done, I look at my baby who looks really tired. I decide to feed him and then put him to sleep so i can get our stuff ready to leave as well. Once he is asleep, I go and search for a private jet that can fit all our stuff in. Since we have enough money, it was not hard. I find one that can be hire at 2pm tomorrow. I booked it since it gave us enough time to pack everything.

I go to Leo's room and start packing his toys and clothes and then do the same with my things including my guns and knifes. I look for a house buyer on the internet, who wants a fully furnished place. I find one and send him a few pictures of my house and he likes it. I told him that he can move in tomorrow after 2pm since i would be living and he agrees.

I was already 8:30 pm so, i decide to order take out for me and Alessia because i was so tired to cook. Alessia arrives at my place with 5 suitcases. We eat our take out and wash our plates. I check on Leo once again but it seems he is so tired today since he is still asleep. I set the baby monitor and go have a shower. I, then fall asleep thinking about all the things that might happen when i meet my family.

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