Chapter 24

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
I put my phone on the side table and switch off the lamp. I fall asleeping playing today's date over and over again in my mind...

Its been two months since my and Ace's first date. In these two months, i and Ace have been on many dates, and most of them were with Leo. Ace wanted to spend time with Leo too since he had missed his beginning months and i was so happy to spend time with the two people i love the most in the world. We have been on a park date, a carnival date, dinner dates, beach dates, a yacht date and a few at his place itself. I have spent a few nights at Ace's place because sometimes it was really late to go back home or Ace just wanted to spend more time with me and wanted to be involved in Leo whole day routines. We still haven't had sex. We do sleep together on the same bed when am at his place but it is limited to making out and cuddling. I am happy that he hasn't forced me to do it with him. He is being patient and respectful with the whole situation.

The last 2-3 days, Ace has been behaving a little weird. Today I saw him have a secret conversation with my papa but they stopped as soon as they saw me. I just don't know what is wrong. Maybe it is some Russian issues but if so they should tell me, right? Out of the blue, Ace is like be ready at 7 pm, we are going out on a date. Before i could say anything, he kissed me and left. Well, whatever it is i will get it out of him tonight. Because this entire thing is frustrating me. I hate not knowing what is going on.

Now here i am in my room, looking for something to wear but i don't know where we are going. So i text him.

"Heyy. Can you tell me where we are going so i can know what to wear?"

"Wear a dress for tonight's date, baby."

He replies in 5 minutes and i reply okay and put my phone down. I look around to find a dress to wear. Something beautiful and elegant but not too elegant since it's just a date not a party. I find just the one and look for matching shoes and jewelry. After sorting everything out, i go back to the lounge where i left Leo with the twins and triplets. It is still 4 pm so i have sometime to spend with my baby.

Leo is staying home and Ace's parents, brother and sister are also going to be here. I play with Leo and talk with my brothers. The girls come in and look at me like i have grown to heads.
Amara~"What are you doing?"
Zandrea~"Umm... What?" I ask confused.
Aurora~"Come on bitch. It is already 5 pm you have to get ready."
Zandrea~"I still have time."
Alessia~"You only have 2 hours to get ready."
Amara~"No buts. Get your ass in your room now or i swear i will hang you upside down."
Zandrea~"You wouldn't."
Alessia~"Oh she will and we all will help her. So what will it be?"
All the girls look at me waiting for an answer. I anyway have to get a shower before getting ready so i just went along. I reach my room with Leo. And of course the girls as well.

I take a shower and come out to find them sitting and talking, waiting for me. The moment i am out, Bella make me sit at the dressing table. Amara does my hair while Alessia does my make up. Bella does my nails and Elena and Aurora try to make Leo sleep but he doesn't look like he will sleep anytime soon. After the make up, hair style and nails are done, they tell me to put on my dress and heels.

 After the make up, hair style and nails are done, they tell me to put on my dress and heels

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