Chapter 12

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
After dinner, we go home and call it a night and go to our rooms...

I wake up at 8 am the next day. I check on Leo and find him still asleep. I take a shower and change for the day.

I then wake Leo, feed him, bath him and dress him. I head downstairs to the lounge. My brothers and cousins are talking business stuff. I give Leo to my aunts to keep for a few hours since all the others are going to the warehouse with I and Alessia.

We all get into our cars and head over to the warehouse. The whole way, I think about how i will torture the person for information. I have killed a few men before. When you are the best streetfighter, gangs and mafias tend to either threaten you to fight for them or try to kill you so their men can win. I and Alessia have been in that position so we had to kill a few men to protect ourselves. But we haven't exactly tortured them. We do keep them at gun point to know who is behind us but torture is a different thing. And i know the men from whom we will be told to get information from, will not easily bulge.

In all this thinking, we arrive at the warehouse. It is pretty huge. It has a gym, a shooting target area, a hung out zone, a big storage area and a big ass garage. And the top follow probably has offices. There is also a basement for keeping and torturing the enemies and traitors. We head towards the basement. It is dark and smells really bad.

Lorenzo~"So, last week the Russians sent 15 men to steal our guns and weapons from our warehouse. From those men, we were able to catch 2 alive while our men killed the rest. You and Alessia, can do whatever you want, but we want information about the plans of the Russian mafia. And then you can kill them."
I and Alessia enter the room to see two guys on chairs and they are tied, beaten up and unconscious. The rest are outside looking at the scene through a one-side glass.

I and Alessia give each other a look and walk over to the buckets on the side with ice water. We go to the unconscious guys and pour the water on them at the same time. They wake up startled and look around to see who poured water on them.

(guy 1~1, guy 2~2, Zandrea~Z and Alessia~A)
1~"Вы суки." (You bitches) he says in anger.
Z~"Tsk tsk tsk. Вы так здороваетесь?" (Is that the way you say hello?) i say with a smirk on my face.
A~"Я так не думаю." (I don't think so.) she says and we both give a punch to each of them.
2~"Какого хрена ты хочешь?" (What the fuck do you want?) he says with a grunt because of the pain i think.
Z~"Good. Straight to the point. What are your names?"
1~"We will not tell you shit, Сука." (bitch) he says like a matter of fact.
Z~"Wrong answer, Сука." i say as i give him a hard punch right on his nose. I hear a satisfying crack and i smirk.
A~"Wanna talk now?" she asks cockily. But they don't say anything. So, she punches both of them hard in the face making them grunt but they still don't talk. I walk over to the table on the side. It is filled with different torture weapons. I pick up 4 knives. Give 2 to Alessia and i keep the other 2.

Z~"Okay. Let's play a game. You answer my questions correctly. If you don't answer or give a wrong answer, you get stabbed. Pretty simple."
2~"What if we wanna play something else? I hope you know what i mean." he says wiggling his eyebrows. Ewwwww no dude, you ain't my type.
Alessia stabs his left thigh with one of the knives and in penetrates perfectly.
A~"Or any shitty remarks, Сука."
Z~"Now, what are your names?"
2~"Am Dimitri and he is Igor." he says in pain.
1~"Заткнись, засранец. Ничего им не говори." (Shut up asshole. Don't tell them anything.) he says in anger.
I don't even think. I just shoot him right between his eyes. The 2nd guy looks scared.
Z~"Don't worry. You are helping us so i won't kill you. That fucker was interrupting our conversation." i reassure him.
2~"If i tell you, you will not kill me."
A~"Yupp. We won't."
2~"Okay. I will tell you. The russians are planning another attack to become the strongest mafia in the world. So, they need weapons and guns from wherever they can so they can plan an attack. It will take a lot of time to get all the needed supplies so the attack will approximately be after 6-8 months."
he says quickly. I thank him and shot him. We can't risk him going and telling the Russians that we know of their plans.

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