Chapter 21

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Ace's POV

Previously in the story (Zandrea's POV),
With that i leave them at the front by the stairs and head to the backyard. More like run. I can't face Ace after that. Fucking Amara, i will beat her to pulp when i get her alone...

I wake up next morning completely happy since Zandrea texted me last night. I text her a good morning text telling her i hope she has a good day and that i will meet her tonight.

I get up from my bed, do my morning routine and head downstairs. Everyone is still asleep since it is sunday. But since i just took over the mafia, i have a few things i have to sort out. I directly get in my car and head towards the warehouse. I order some coffee once i reach there.

I finish my business calls and sort out some paper work. I and Elijah have a talk about the information he got about the Russians. We decide to have a chat with the Italians tonight so we can come up with what to do. I complete all my work, and it is already 3 so, i head home. I head to the living room and find my mom, Ava and Matteo sitted there talking. When they hear my footsteps, they turn and look at me.

 When they hear my footsteps, they turn and look at me

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Mom~"Good Afternoon son."
Ace~"Good afternoon mom."

I say as i sit with them.
Ace~"What were you guys talking about?"
Matteo~"Nothing much. Just about some girl who has managed to get you wrapped around her fingers." he says wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at him but don't say anything because i actually have nothing to say.

Ava~"You look extra happy brother. Why??" she asks with raised eyebrows. I look at her and smile.

ce~"Because she texted me last night and said she is giving me a second chance." i say with a huge smile on my face.
Matteo~"See this is what i meant. Just a text and he is fucking smiling." i roll my eyes at his comment again. Ava ignores him and looks at me with a huge smile on her face too.

Ava~"That's great big brother. Take her out on a date. Plan a beautiful date and show her how much it means to you."
Ace~"I have already thought about it but i want to first ask Alessandro if i can take her out. I know i don't have to but he has missed a lot in her life. I just want to give him that feeling that some guy asked his permission before taking his daughter on a date. You know what i mean, right?"
Mom~"I do and that is a very good thought son. I am proud of you." she kisses my forehead.
Mom~"Now, go and get ready. We have to get at their place and we can't be late."

We all say yes mom and head to our rooms. I hadn't gotten any chance to check my phone the whole day. So, i pull my phone out and see a few emails, massages from Elijah and Zandrea. I open Zandrea's message.

"Good morning to you too. Have an amazing day as well."

I smile when i see the text. I am madly in love with this woman. She is my Queen and my son's mother. I just wish i can prove it to her that everything we had in highschool was not pretence. Every feeling and emotion was genuine. That i loved and cared for her then and still do.

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