Chapter 33

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
Once i get into comfy clothes, i go downstairs so that i can get an explanation from Micheal and send a cleaning crew to clean up the warehouse and also tell them about Andrey's phone...

It had taken 30 minutes to calm Ace down and take a quick shower. So, once we reached down, everyone was already in the lounge room and Micheal, the twins and triplets had already been treated. I see Alessia and she hugs me.

Alessia~"All went well?"
Zandrea~"Yup thanks for the help babe. I couldn't have done it without you."
Alessia~"No need to say thanks babe. They are like family to me too."

I see one of the maids and tell her to get my laptop and the phone on top of it from my bedroom carefully. I know i could have gotten them myself but i forgot. I remembered the phone once i was Alessia.

Micheal~"Zandrea, can i use your phone real quick?"

And i gave him the phone without questioning him. Micheal Quinn was the one man i trusted in my life except of Ace. He was like a father figure to me as i grow up. He was the one from whom i learnt how to fight and how to use guns and knives. He was there for me when Ace left me as well. He also helped Alessia train using guns because she was my best friend. Ace gives me a questioning look but i give him a reassuring smile letting him know it is fine.

(PHONE CALL [..... means the other person is talking.])

"It's me honey, Micheal."
"Yes am fine love."
"They wanted to know some things about Zandrea."
"Yes baby. Are you okay?"
"I will ask her. One second."

Micheal(to me)~"Can Lilly and Michele come here? I promise i will explain everything but i want to meet her." He pleads to me. And i could not say no so i nod my head saying Yes. Lilly is his wife and Michele is his son. He retired from underground fighting and training to spend time with his wife and son, who is 3 years old now.

He tells her that she can come here. He gives me the phone and i greet her and give her the address. And that i cut the phone.

Adriano~"Zandrea thank you for saving your brothers. But next time, do not do anything without informing any of us. It is risky sorella. And we don't want anything happening to you. Please just inform us next time."
Zandrea~"Am sorry fratello. And i promise if i can, i sure will inform you first."
Adriano~"And why didn't any of us know about your and Alessia's hacking skills?"
Zandrea~"Ohh brother. Can't a girl keep a secret or not? And plus you didn't ask." I give him a wink and he shakes his head smiling in amusement.
Adriano~"Now can we know who he is?"

I tell everyone how i know him and when i tell them his full name, they recognize him as a famous streetfighter. Then, i ask the question i wanted to ask the whole time.

Zandrea~"Why did the Russians catch you? And when did you come to Italy?"
Micheal~"I came to Italy like 6 months ago. Lilly always dreamed of staying in Italy. She has always been there for me and i wanted to atleast fulfill that one wish of hers. I opened a gym here to train new fighters. About 5-6 days ago, i was in the kitchen helping Lilly to cook while Michele was looking at us. I heard movements near the door and i knew it was bad news, so i signalled Lilly to quietly take Michele and go upstairs and hide somewhere. The men came in. I tried fighting but they were 5 men. One of them got behind me and hit something on my head and i fell unconscious. I woke up in that warehouse, tied to a chair and they started asking questions about you. They somehow knew i was the one who trained you. They asked where you were, if she knew anyone called Ace, if she was family to the Italian mafia and all those type of questions. But i definitely didn't speak anything. I would never. You are like my own daughter."
Alonzo~"How did you know it was the same Zandrea you knew who is the one with an the Italian family?"
Micheal~"At first i wasn't sure. A Zandrea who knows a certain Ace can be a coincidence. So i kept telling them that i didn't know anyone called Ace and even Zandrea didn't. But then the men would talk to themselves describing how Zandrea looked and i knew she was the one i knew. I was hoping some way, Lilly would go to Zandrea asking for help but she didn't know that Zandrea was in Italy, even i didn't."

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