Chapter 31

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Ace's POV

Previously in the story(Zandrea's pov),
I am so tired and drained out that i get on bed, cuddle with Ace and fall right into a deep slumber. I don't even bother asking him what happened with the traitors and what information they got. I only remember him giving me a kiss on my forehead and whispering good night to me...

Last night, Zandrea slept the moment she cuddled into me. She must have been very exhausted from last night's events. I woke up at 7 this morning. Not because i have work to do but because i am used to waking up early due to the mafia work and all. Even if i am the leader, i like being on time to do my work myself. If others are doing my duties then why am i the leader, right?

Since i have no work, i just look at my queen in my arms asleep. I run my fingers gently in her hair. When i hear Leo crying, i slow move away from Zandrea making sure not to wake her up. I then get Leo from his crib and calm him down. I decide to take a shower with Leo and get ready with him. I come out of the bathroom in a towel around my waist and Leo wrapped in his towel. I look at the bed to find Zandrea awake.

Ace~"Good morning baby." I say as i give her a kiss.
Zandrea~"Good morning. I see, father-son bonding. Its beautiful to wake up to this babe."
Ace~"Yes. I thought i will get us ready and give you some time to rest since you looked really tired yesterday night."
Zandrea~"Thank you babe." She gives me a kiss and goes to have a shower and get ready.

As she gets ready, i get me and Leo dressed. Once we are ready, we head downstairs. Since we have 30 minutes still, we decide to have some breakfast. We enter the dining room to see, some of them there already. Others are maybe still getting ready. I eat my breakfast as i handle some mafia works using my phone since the only things i had to do was to give my men permission to do some shipments' ordering and collecting.

Once it's time, we all go to the meeting room. Adriano's office is huge but it didn't have enough seats for the elders of the family too. It's not like we cannot handle mafia work on our own but we just need all the advices that we can get and we really don't have any problems in asking for help from our own family. Everyone gets settled in their seats and i sit at the head with Adriano.

Adriano~"So, as everyone here knows why we attended yesterday's party. We tortured the Russian men in Diego's gang. According to the information we got, it seems that the Russians are being able to get their hands on a lot of shipments. It seems like they have stolen enough and made some small and cheap deals to get some more weapons. They said that the Russians will only need 2 months now to attach. From 3-4 months, time has been brought nearer."

The minute he stops taking, everyone is silent for a minute or two. One by one everyone puts up their points and opinions. Some say we should be prepared and wait for them to strike. Some say that we should attack them before they do. I like the last one too, attacking them first will catch them off guard and we might have the upper hand in the war.

One problem we had was that even if we win this war and somehow find the leader and kill him, someone else will take over since Maxim has no son or daughter and again there might be a war. So, i put this point forward, and Zandrea had already been thinking ahead and she already had a plan for that too.

After a lot of discussions, we decided to wait for a month to see if their timeline goes further or not. And in this one month, we can make all the necessary preparations like training our men and making sure we have all the needed resources and weapons. Since we are two powerful and rich mafia families, we don't have to worry a lot about how we will get the needed weapons. Our men will also try to track down where Maxim Petrov, the leader of the Russians is. After this month, if the timeline still doesn't go back or if they decide to provoke us, we will attack them first.

Once all the planning is down, it is beyond lunch time, so we have our lunch together. We then decide to have a stay in, watch movies together, do swimming and also decide to have a barbeque night. So, basically that's what we did and obviously a few mafia phone calls that needed immediate attention.

The whole week passed by spending time with Zandrea, Leo and the rest of the family. And of course mafia work. We were able to get shipments real quick due to the high payments we were giving the dealers. A few have already come and been secured well and the others will be delivered in a week or two. In between all this work, i had been taking out time to help in the wedding preparations. I didn't want the day to come and we don't have anything ready. Once we attack or they attack, we don't know how much time we will have to prepare the needed stuff so i am trying to get everything finalized quickly.

Today, here i am in my office, signing some papers that need attention now. Elijah is with me updating me about the number of shipments that have been stolen from other gangs during the past week. In the midst of all this, i get a call. I look at it to find it is from Lorenzo.

Lorenzo~"I need you at the Moretti mansion now with your most trusted and best hackers and a few men. Fast Ace." With that he cut the phone. But i knew it was urgent. I could hear the desperation in his voice. I tell Elijah this and tell him to get the best hackers and a few men ready so we can leave for the Moretti mansion immediately. After telling him that, I leave immediately because i am tensed and worried that something might have happened to Zandrea or Leo or both.

Zandrea's POV

This past week has been normal except for helping in the training of the men. Everything other than that has been quite normal. Some days we watch movies, play in the game room or go shopping and obviously spending time with Ace. We don't worry much yet since it still is like 2 months left.

Today was a normal day too. Waking up, getting ready. Get Leo dressed too and give him to my aunts so i can go to the gym and check out how the training is going on. After about 2 hours, i go to my room, take a shower and go back downstairs to the lounge room.

I see my girls together with Leo. I join them and play with my baby as i talk to them. We decide to go watch a movie since the twins and triplets are at the mall for buying some games. And the others are out doing mafia work or some at home in Adriano's office handling shipments and protection matters. So, in other words it's just us girls alone and movie is the only option we have.

We get snacks on our way to the movie room since it is almost lunch time. We decide to continue on The Vampire Diaries and argue on which is better: Stelena or Delena. After two episodes, Leo was already asleep and it was already 1 pm. The twins and triplets have not yet come back and nor is anyone else free so we just continue with further episodes.

In the middle of the third episode, the door of the movie room opens with a bang and we all get startled and turn to see that it was Ace. He looks really worried and panicked but the moment he sees me, he comes to me and hugs me so tightly.

Ace~"Thank God you are fine. I was so worried. I thought something might have happened to you or Leo or both. Thank God you are fine baby." He says with relief in his voice and hugs me tightly like i might disappear anytime.
Zandrea~"Am fine babe. But what are you talking about? Is everything alright?"
Ace~"Lorenzo called me and told me to get here with my most trusted men and hackers. So i thought something happened to you."
Zandrea~"No babe, am okay. But let's go and see why Lorenzo called you here, okay?"

With that we go to look for my brother or should i say brothers. Because if they called Ace, then they really need help from him immediately and they all must be knowing about what's wrong.

As promised, here is the new chapter.

I know it is kinda late at night for an update but it has been hectic the last few days. I got tested for COVID on 1st Jan, 2021 itself and it was positive. So, life has become a mess recently. But I will try to update soon though dw.

Hope you loved this chapter and vote even though it is like a Cliffhanger!!😈Love you guys. Please take care of yourselves and your families.


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