Chapter 34

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
I and Ace kiss Leo's forehead and i give him to Aunt Isabella. Once everyone is downstairs, we get in our cars and head towards the airport...

On the way to the airport, i book fighteen rooms for us and our men. The rooms are expensive but not over the board or the mafia men might hear of rich people coming to Moscow. I booked the rooms in a hotel near the expensive houses which only the rich ones can buy. I am sure the leader of the Russian mafia would definitely have an expensive house.

As we reach the airport, only 15 minutes are left to departure. Our men load our language into the jet and once everything is set, we head towards Russia, to eliminate the one mafia that has been a big problem not only in my life but in my mom's life.

Since the flight is of approximately 4 hours, we all just sit and talk. We have talked a lot about the planning and all so now, we are just talking and chilling. I am on Ace's lap cuddled into him as i listen to all of them talk. Somehow i fall asleep and i feel like i am floating in the air. I open my eyes to see Ace carrying me out of the jet.

Ace~"It's okay babe sleep, the hotel is an hour away, i will wake you up when we reach." And that is what i did, i slept.

Since, it was me who booked the rooms and only me who knew about the details, i had to wake up in an hour. I talk to the bitchy woman at the reception and i definitely showed her, her place and then after getting our keys, i gave them to everyone and we all head to our respective rooms. Me being so sleepy and worn out, i direct fall on the bed without changing my clothes because i anyway chose comfy clothes. Soon, i feel Ace get in bed and cuddle with me. He says a silent good night and i reply and fall into a deep slumber.

The next morning, i wake up to the sunlight directly in my face. I roll over to check the time and it is still 7 am. Since, we have nothing to do today anyway, i get up from my bed, close the curtains and cuddle into Ace again and fall alseep.

Ace~"Wake up baby."
Zandrea~"Noo." I mumble.
Ace~"Come on babe. It is 1 pm and we have to get dressed and meet the others so we can decide what to do finally."

After 10 minutes, i finally get out of the bed and take a shower. I wear an all black outfit. I love to wear all black outfits whenever i have some mafia work to do. I go out of the bathroom to see Ace with lunch.

Ace~"Come on. Let's eat. I figured that you might be hungry so i ordered some lunch."
Zandrea~"Thanks babe." I say as i kiss him.
Ace~"No problem."

Once we finish eating, we send a message to everyone to meet in my and Ace's room at 4 pm. We still have an hour to kill so we decided to call home so that we can talk to Leo for a while. After that we just sat there and talked about the final touches for our wedding. Once we get back, our wedding invitees will be sent.

Papa wants us to get married at the mansion backyard. That was where my papa and mama got married and when papa offered that, i really wanted to. And Ace said he doesn't mind since it is my wish. So we agreed to get married at the backyard and then the reception will be at Ace's mansion in their huge ballroom.

So, we just sit there talk about who will be there and as i thought all the mafia and gang leaders with their families will be there. Atleast the dress i chose will fit the grand marriage and reception that we are going to have.

When everyone arrives, we run the plan one more time. We, then set up our equipments for hacking the phone call location immediately. We make sure that the vans are ready to go to the location immediately as well. We also have to send all our extra language to the jet before we leave the hotel. So, that we can directly leave Russia or else we might end up dead. If we kill the leader, the men will not have anyone to lead them, but they might still rebel and end up killing us so we have to leave. We also make sure to change and arm ourselves before making the call, so we can leave the moment we get the location. 2 men and 2 hackers will stay back to clear everything and head to the jet where we will meet them.

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