Chapter 19

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story (Alessia's POV),
Alessia~"Good night babe"
And with that i fall into a peaceful slumber thinking about tomorrow...

After giving me the news about her date, Alessia went to her room and i went to sleep thinking about Ace, just like it has been for a few days. I wake up to a crying Leo, the next morning. I go to his adjoined room and pick him up from his crib. I take him to my bed and sit down with him on my lap. I left my blouse and he instantly latches on my breast. Once he is done, he looks at me and gives me a smile.
Leo~"Ma..Ma." and then he starts giggling. My cute little baby.

I pick him up and head to the bathroom. I get both of us ready. I pick my phone and see a text from Ace.

"Good morning my queen. Hope you have a nice day. Meet ya tonight."

He is so thought to have sent me a message in the morning wishing me a good morning. I text him back.

"Good morning to you too. Have an amazing day as well."

With that I pick Leo up and head downstairs.

Alessia's POV

I wake up to sunlight on my face directly from the window. I put my head into my blanket and cuddle more into its warmth. And my blanket holds onto me. But blanket can't move right. I don't care, it is too warm and comfy to move so i cuddle and try to fall asleep. And then i hear a deep chuckle and my blanket shakes. I open one eye of mine to see that my blanket is actually Lorenzo.

I sit up and look away as i blush. He pulls me back into him and turns my face towards him. He then places his lips on mine and deeply kisses me.
Lorenzo~"Good morning baby."
Alessia~"Good morning."
Lorenzo~"Did you talk to Zandrea?"
Alessia~"Yes and she said she has no problem and we can go to the date. I came back to tell you this but you had slept and i didn't want to wake you up."
Lorenzo~"Sorry about that. I didn't even realize that i fell asleep. I guess i was too tired."
Alessia~"Yea i figured and that's why i didn't wake you up. By the way, where are we going for our first date?"
Lorenzo~"I would say its a surprise but i need you to get a bikini so we are going to my family yacht. There is a swimming pool too so we can swim. We will leave at 11, have lunch on the yacht, swim, site see, relax. And, then be home before 5 pm because there will be a barbecue here tonight."
Alessia~"Okayy. Now let's get up and go downstairs. And then i will have to get ready."
Lorenzo~"Okay i will meet you downstairs in 30."

With that he goes to his room. I do my morning routine and get ready. I, then get my phone and see it is 9 am. I head downstairs to the dining room to find everyone except Zandrea's papa, grandpa, uncles and aunts.

Alessia~"Good morning."
Amara~"Good morning girl."
Alessia~"Good morning baby" i say to Leo. And he starts giggling.
Zandrea~"Hey babe."

We all make same talk and eat our breakfast.
Lorenzo~"Sorry, Alessia but we got to have to leave at 10:30. Is that okay?"
Alessia~"mhm" great now everyone knows something is up. I look up to see everyone looking at us as if we have grown two heads each.
Bella~"Where to huh?"
Romeo~"Are the lovebirds going out?" he says wiggling his eyebrows.
Lorenzo~"Yes we are. Am taking her on a date. Any problem? Anyone?" he says challenging anyone to speak up. Everyone shakes there head sideways saying no.

After breakfast, all girls take me to my room saying that they will get me an outfit to wear. They get into my closet once i tell them we are going to the family yacht.
Aurora~"Ohh my God. The family yacht is so beautiful. There are two that they own. One is a normal size for family get togethers and the other one is huge for mafia parties and all."
Amara~"Yeaa. We have been to both of them and they are so beautiful amd luxurious. "
Bella~"It means she needs a bikini too."
Elena~"I already found one."
She shows it to everyone.

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