Chapter 18

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Ace's POV

Previously in the story (Zandrea's POV),
After 10 minutes of staring at his number, i click on in and text him.

"Heyy. It's me Zandrea."

Here goes nothing with that in mind i press send...

(The same day as the previous chapter)
The next day am awaken by my sister, Ava. She comes and gets in my bed and cuddles with me.
Ace~"Good morning baby sister."
Ava~"Its afternoon brother." she chuckles.
Ace~"Yeaa okay good afternoon." i chuckle too.
Ava~"Come on wake up. Its your first day as the Don."
Ace~"Right." i say and open my eyes and rub them. I look at my sister and give her a kiss on her forehead.

Ava~"So, you going to the Moretti house to meet her?"
Ace~"Noo. She needs time and i plan to give her that. She will text me when she is done. I guess because i gave her my number."
Ava~"Ohh. I hope she does."
Ace~"Yea me too."
Ava~"I will leave you to get ready." with that she leaves my room.

I pick my phone from the side table and see it is 12:15 in the afternoon. It is Saturday so it is not a big deal going late to work and plus the coronation went on yesterday till morning hours. I get up from the bed, do my morning routine, basically afternoon routine. I get ready and go downstairs to the dining room. I quickly get some toast and tea and eat it and leave to go to my warehouse.

I have alot of work to do. I have many papers to sign. I have to finalize some changes in my office since it was dad's before. I have to place orders for guns and weapons. I have a few meetings i have to handle. I start doing all the things. In the middle, my mind would divert to my Queen and i check my phone to see if she has texted me. By the time i finished all this work, it is already 9 pm.

I leave for home. I get in to find everyone, at the dinner table.
Mom~"Come on Ace. First eat, then you can go shower."
Ace~"Okay mom."
Matteo~"So, brother how was your first day as don?"
Ace~"Boring and tiring."
Ava~"Did she text you?" i shake my head no.
Ava~"Don't worry. She will text you soon."
Dad~"You can anyway meet her and talk to her tomorrow. It's barbecue night at their place like every first Sunday of the month. They let it slide last time because we were busy with preparation. This time we have to go."
Ace~"Yupp i know."

After dinner, i go to my room and take a shower and get in my boxer briefs and get into my bed. I just lay on my bed and hear my phone. I pick it up to see that I got a notification saying i have received a message from an unknown number.

I open the message:
"Heyy. It's me Zandrea."

The moment i read the message, i am over the moon. I don't know what to text back. I am so nervous and excited. I save her number as 'Mia Regiana🌏❤'.

"Heyy Zandrea."

I hope she replies back. I hope i didn't take long to text back. I hear the notification sound and i quickly pick my phone and see it is from my queen.

"Sorry, did i wake you?"

"No no. Not at all."
"So, how was you day?"

"It was fun. We had a siblings-cousins bonding day."
"What about you?"

"Same thing as everyday only that today it was as the don."
"Btw, we are gonna meet tomorrow."

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