Chapter 35

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
An alliance between American mafia, Italian mafia and the Russian mafia. I already feel bad for anyone who would want to go against anyone of us in the future...

The past few months, we helped Irina and Diego take over the Russian mafia and helped them grow as well. Irina gave birth to a son, a month ago, making me a god-mother and Ace, a god-father. The son was named Xavier Romano Ivanov. He was given Irina's surname so he can easily take over once he is of the age but Diego's surname was still included in his name.

Things went well the past few months. Since the last month, my and Ace's wedding preparations have been going on. Did i mention today is my wedding day? Anyway yes it is today.

Ace kept Leo at night so he can wake up with him as it is Leo's birthday as well. After that Ace's mom brought him to me at 10am so i can also spend a few hours with him as well. The reason as to why Ace is away from me is because his mom and my aunts are too traditional. They do not want Ace and i to see each other at all till i walk down the aisle.

After spending time with Leo for 3 hours, I started getting ready. The wedding is at 5pm in the backyard of our mansion and after that there is a reception and birthday party at Ace's place. They first do my make-up and hairstyle. After that i sit aside as my 5 bridesmaids also get their make-up and hairstyles done. Ava, Tori and Crystal are also getting ready with us.

After everyone's make-up, hairstyles and nails are done, they put on their dresses and heels and so do I.

After everyone's make-up, hairstyles and nails are done, they put on their dresses and heels and so do I

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As soon as i get in my dress, my nerves start to kick in and i am overwhelmed and nervous. I hear a knock and papa comes in. As he comes in everyone goes out of my room.

Papa~"You look beautiful bambina." He says as he wipes a tear off his cheek.
Zandrea~"Thank you papa. Don't cry or else i will end up crying too."
Papa~"No no cara. It's a happy day. Don't cry." (Dear)

I hug him and i try my best to prevent the tears from flowing. It is a perfect wedding that i have planned, i just wish mama was here.
Papa~"Let's go. We don't want to keep him waiting, do we?" We both chuckle as we go out of my bedroom and then downstairs.

I see Adriano, Alonzo, Lorenzo, Damon, Luca, Giovanni, Marcello, Vincent, the twins, triplets and my gorgeous bridesmaids at the front door. My uncles, aunts and grandpa are also there. Even Ava is there holding Leo. One by one they hug and compliment me. Some of my brothers and cousins are not here since they are Ace's best men. Those are Romeo, Vincenzo, Zander and obviously Elijah and Matteo. Ava is going to go in with Leo, who will be our ring bearer.

They all leave to go get their seats leaving me, papa, my bridesmaids, Ava and Leo. Once the music starts, my bridesmaids go outside towards the aisle one by one. As the music changes Ava goes in with Leo who has the rings with him. As soon as they leave, i am full on nervous. Papa senses this and gives me a gentle squeeze on my hand and smile at me.
Papa~"Breathe bambine. You look gorgeous. Go there with your head held high as the queen you are to become." I take a deep breathe and nod at him.

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