Chapter 17

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
We talk about other things and then we fall asleep on my bed. I cuddle with my twinny and fall to sleep with Ace deLuca on my mind...

I wake up the next morning to sounds of awwws and protests. They are so annoying that i cuddle into my warm blanket more and try to sleep again. But these people have another plans.
Aunt Sofia~"Awww. They look so cute."
Romeo~"This is not fair. I don't get to cuddle with my sorella."
Twins~"yes this is unfair."
Vincenzo~"Can i join them?"
Damon~"Shhh. Quiet you will wake my baby up."
Zandrea~"It's already late for that. Idiots."

I quick up and rub my eyes. And i realize why the commotion was there in the first place. The warm blanket i was cuddling with was actually my twinny, Zander.
Zander~"Exactly, Fuckers. Go away and let someone sleep."
Triplets~"It's already 1 pm. We had shopping plans today remember." they say at the same time. Creepy.
Zander~"Go shop alone. Come on twinny lets sleep again."
Zandrea~"Come on sleepy head wake up. It is siblings-cousins bonding day. We are going to the mall for shopping."
Zander~"Ughhh fine. Fucking sleepblockers."
Twins~"heyy!! we heard that."
Zander~"You were supposed to." he said in a duh tone.

Everyone left my room. Damon, who had picked up an awake Leo from his crib handed him to me, before leaving. I prepared a bath for me and Leo. We got in and played with water and Leo's toys for like 30 minutes. We got out and i first put Leo's clothes on and them mine.

 We got out and i first put Leo's clothes on and them mine

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I pick up my baby and we head to the dining room

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I pick up my baby and we head to the dining room. I put Leo in his baby chair and sit down next to him. I find all my brothers and cousins at the table and my girls too.

Zandrea~"Heyy my girls."
Amara~"Hey babe."
Aurora~"Heyy whatsup?"
Bella~"Hii good morning."
Elena~"Heyy girl, do you know someone did something yesterday night?" she wiggled her eyes at looked at Alessia.
Alessia~"No she is lying."
Elena~"But i didn't say your name."
Lorenzo~"But you looked at her as you said it."
Amara~"Ahaa just one kiss and someone is being very defensive for the other." she says with a smirk on her face.
Zandrea~"Wait what?" i look at Alessia. And she is full on blushing.
Alessia~"I..i No they are lying." she doesn't look me in the eyes as she says it and i know she is lying.
Bella~"Yess and that's why your blushing. Okayy." she says sarcastically.

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