Chapter 15

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Ace's POV

Previously in the story(Zandrea's POV),
I text them that am going to the restroom and excuse myself.

She breaks our eye contact and heads down the stairs. I see the way see laughs and talks with Zander. Before I could go to her, Romeo, Vincenzo, the twins and triplets come to greet me. We are talking but my eyes are on Zandrea. I wanted to ask them about her but that would make them suspicious or something. I, definitely don't want a war with the Italian Mafia. I see Zandrea texting on her phone. And then, I see the other girls on the table checking their phones so i realized they are talking to each other. I see her text them something and then she stands up and excuses herself.

I see her head towards the restroom. This might be my only opportunity to talk to her tonight so i excuse myself and go behind her. I call her name but she ignores me or she did not hear me. I grab her wrist gently and she stops and looks at me.

Zandrea~"What?" still feisty i see.
Ace~"Umm hey?" i ask more than saying. I am hella nervous.
Zandrea~"What?" she repeats. She is definitely upset and mad at me.
Ace~"Zandrea, i..." she interrupts me before i can apologize and tell her why i had to do it.
Zandrea~" What Ace? That you are sorry. Yaa okay. Byee." she says and turns to leave.

Zandrea's POV

I go towards the restroom and at my periphery i see Ace coming towards me. He says my name but i ignore him. I am sad, upset, angry. He grabs my wrist gently and i ask him 'What?' rudely. He greets nervously and tries to say something. But i interrupted him, tell him byee and leave him standing there shocked i guess.

He again comes up to me and grabs my waist this time. I quickly grab my gun from my left thigh, push him with my other hand and point my gun at him. He looks shocked and proud, I think. I think the men near us might have seen me draw my gun and they drew theirs and pointed them at me in a second. By this time, the girls were already near me and they also point their guns at the men. I think they saw the scene and rushes over.

Zandrea~"Fucking leave me alone, Ace deLuca." i say with so much anger in my voice. I might be loud plus all the gun scene has gotten everyone's attention. 'Good, this is all i wanted.' I say sarcastically to myself.
A man who looks like the one I saw Ace with that day at school. The one who was his age. He draws his gun at me and says;
Elijah~"Drop your gun. Do you even know who he is young woman?"
Zandrea~"I don't give a fuck as to who he is. All i care is he needs to stop touching and disturbing me."
Elijah~"Seriously Ace, i take you to all those fucking bars to make you forget that high school girl, you love and you don't even look at any girls in the bar. And here you are wanting this feisty one." This statement shocks me. Is that high school girl me? Did he not look at any girl because of me? Maybe its someone else, if it would me, he wouldn't say all that to me, right?
Ace~"Shut up man." he says with an eye roll.

Papa~"What are you doing bambina? He is the son of my close friend and he is to take over the American Mafia tonight. It might be a misunderstanding bambina, he is a good guy. Drop your gun bambina." I ignore him.
Alessia~"Say the word Zandrea and we will kill them all."
Amara~"Yea babe just the word."
Adriano~"Babe, what the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy? They are our allies." I also ignore him.

As they all are talking my eyes are fixed on Ace and his on me. Without removing his eyes on me he says;
Ace~"Lower your weapons." he says to his men.
Elijah~"Are you crazy, bro?"
Ace~"Fucking look at her dude. I know you saw her only once but don't you remember her." his eyes still fixed on me and my gun still pointed at him.
Elijah~"Fuck" I guess he remembers me now.
Ace~"Yea fuck, now lower your weapons." and all his men lower their weapons and so do my girls but my gun is still fixed on him.

Ace~"Please, let me explain." he says while moving closer to me.
Zandrea~"Don't fucking move or i will shoot you." i saw with authority in my voice.
The moment i say that i hear my baby crying.
Zandrea~"Give him to me Grandpa."
And he gives him to me without saying a word. I think he already put two and two together and he knows this is the Ace, I met in high school. I take Leo from him with my gun still pointed at Ace.

The moment he is in my arms, he stops crying and starts giggling. And i smile. My baby really needs to learn when it is a good time to giggle and when not. Ace looks between me and Leo confused of the situation. Then, Leo looks at Ace and say his first word shocking everyone in the room. Even me.

Ace's POV

In the middle of this entire scene, a baby starts crying. Zandrea asks her grandfather to hand the baby to her and he does. The moment he is in her arms, he stops crying. I am confused. Is she married? Does she have a boyfriend? Who is the father of this baby? And if so where is he?

My thoughts are broken when i hear the baby.
Leo~"Da...da" he is looking at me and clapping his hands.

I am shocked is an understatement. I can see the shock written on everyone's face, even the entire Moretti family. That was either this baby's first word or they are shocked because he called me dad or both. The moment he said it i had this big smile on my face, i don't know why but i do. I was still looking at this beautiful baby in front of me when i hear my mother scream in happiness and shock.

Isabella~"Ohh my Godd. Are those your eyes Ace?" she says pointing at Leo and i notice that this baby actually looks like Zandrea but with my fucking eyes. And he, even looks like he is 6-7 months old. If i do the calculations right, he is my baby. I look at him with so much love and adoration. This is my baby. My and Zandrea's baby. A proof of our love.

Zandrea's POV

The moment Leo says Dada everyone is shocked. My family is shocked because that was his first word and also because he called Ace that. And that was also the reason why others were shocked. I looked at Ace to see him smiling at Leo. God, he looks fucking handsome with that smile on his face.

In the middle of all this, a woman screams asking if Leo's eyes are like Ace's. Well, no shit Sherlock. I see Ace look at Leo and once he realizes that Leo is his son. His eyes are filled with love and adoration as he looks at Leo. I thought he would hate Leo like he does hate me now. But, i still have to be careful, this might also be his pretence.

Ace's POV

I look at Zandrea and see her already looking at me. The moment i look at her, she raises her gun at me again. She might have dropped it when My baby said dad. I quickly raise my hands above my head in a surrendering manner.

Ace~"il mio amore, i am not going to touch you. But i will still ask this to confirm. Is he our baby? And what is his name?" (my love)
Amara~"No shit Sherlock. You still haven't figured it out. I swear sometimes you mafia men are stupid."
Adriano~"seriously babe?"
Amara~"Yup you too but i still love you don't worry."
Ace~"Okay i guess that was my confirmation. What is his name?"
Alessia~"Leonardo or Leo.  You seriously think she wants to talk to you, asshole?" she asks me with a raised eyebrow. Don't i already know that.

I already know why the others aren't shouting at me or trying to kill me. It is because they already know why i had to leave highschool early and how i had to leave the woman i love so much. They are also aware of all the efforts i have put into finding her. I realized that we are still in front of all our guests and some of them are even our enemies. Shit now they know about my son and my queen. Am not giving them any more information. I signal Elijah and Adriano to come towards me and silently tell them.

Ace~"Elijah, i want you to help dad and mom handle the guests for a few minutes. The Russians are here and they have gotten enough information from this but not anymore. Adriano, I need to apologize to your sister for all i said to her and make everything clear to her. But i can't do it here in front of all these people. Why not you bring her to my office so i can talk to her?"
Adriano~"yea sure."

With that i head to my office and think about how i will apologize and what she will do. Will she forgive me? Will she give me a second chance?

As promised, a new chapter today as well.😘 Hope you love it!!
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