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Zandrea's POV

After five years,

Soon after my and Ace's wedding, Amara gave birth to a baby boy, named Aiden Moretti, who is now 5 years old. After about 2 months, Aurora also gave birth. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Hazel Walker and she is also 5 years old now. Aiden and Hazel are like best friends.

Aiden's godparents are Bella and Luca.
Hazel godparents are Elena and Vincent. They chose them because they did not have kids then and Alessia was already Leo's god-mother which made Lorenzo his god-father automatically.

Amara and Adriano also got married on Aiden's first birthday. Aurora and Alonzo also got married on Hazel's first birthday. Short after their weddings, Alessia and Lorenzo got married.

Alessia gave birth to twins a year after their wedding, a boy and a girl. The boy is named Emiliano Moretti and he is elder than the girl, named Emilia Moretti, by 10 minutes. They are 3 years right now. Their godparents are I and Ace.

Bella and Luca got engaged a few months after the twins were born. Elena and Vincent got engaged a year back only. Bella is pregnant with a baby boy and they are very happy. They plan to get married a few months after he is born. Elena and Vincent want to get married first before trying for a baby but if it happens then they are more than happy about it as well.

I also gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl,  Adrea Leona deLuca three years after my and Ace's wedding. Leonardo who is 6 now is so protective over all the babies of our families since he is the eldest. He is most protective over the girls though.

Tori gave birth to twins a year before Adrea was born. There names are Angelo and Angela Ferrari. I and Ace are there godparents. Elijah and Tori are Adrea's godparents and they got married last year. Matteo and Crystal are also engaged.

Ava and Zander are dating. After a lot of talking and convincing to Ace, he finally stop breathing down Ava's neck and she is more than happy about it. She is happy with Zander. The twins and triplets are still players.

Damon, Romeo, Vincenzo, Marcello and Giovanni are also dating. They are in a serious relationship with girls they love. Damon is with a girl named, Emily. Romeo with Camilla, Vincenzo with Nora, Marcello with Zoey and Giovanni with Scarlett.

The alliance between America, Italy and Russia has proven to be very effective and safe for our kids as they grow and train to join our family mafia. Irina and Diego also gave birth to a baby girl, who is now two years old just like Adrea. Her name is Alexa Romano Ivanov.

As i think about all the things that have happened the last five years, Ace comes in our room and hugs me from behind.

Ace~"Happy anniversary my queen."
Zandrea~"Happy anniversary to you too." I say as i turn my face and kiss him. Did i forget to mention today is our 5 year wedding anniversary? Obviously i did, my bad.

Soon i hear our bedroom door open and Leo comes in running with Adrea behind him trying to walk fast.
Leo~"Today is my birthday mama and papa."
Zandrea~"Yes my baby. It is. Happy birthday. You are a big boy now."
I say as i go and kneel down infront of him. Ace goes and picks Adrea and comes and kneels next to me.

Ace~"Happy birthday my boy."
Leo~"Thank you mama and papa."
Ace~"Say ha-ppy bir-th-day, baby love." He tries to teach Adrea.
Adrea~"Hapi biday." She says in her cute baby voice.
Leo~"Thank you baby sister." He says as he kisses her cheeks.

This is our life for now. Peaceful with out any mafia trying to cause war. Full of live and love with our children as we see them grow up. Filled with happiness and family.



Thank you for the constant love and support from all my lovely readers. I wouldn't have finished the book without the constant appreciation and support from you guys.

I know this chapter has a lot of new names and characters which makes it kinda hard to remember. But i will make sure to make it pretty easy in the CHARACTER INTRODUCTION of book 2 IF I CAN MAKE ONE.

I can't make promises as to if there will be a sequel or not since i have my board exams coming up soon. But if i can, i will surely make one.

Do leave this book in your private reading list(library) so that you can be updated if the new book is out(I will keep an A\N chapter here if the book is out). Or you can follow me and you will get a message from me.

Thank you!!❤
I love you guys!
Take care.💕
And bye bye until next time!!🤧


For now, that is it.i know i said i will check the errors but after the first few chapters i got bored i did not check them so i hope it was still okay.

Like i mentioned in the very first A/N (edit), I took down the sequel too. I will try putting it up back chapter by chapter. I yet have to put it on CHAPTERS app too so might take some time to prepare updates there and post stuff at the same time on both of the apps.

After around 20chapters, it might get slow coz like i said WRITER'S BLOCK. But i will try to get back with updates and complete it. Just please be patient with me.


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