Chapter 28

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
The night is spent by Ace and i making love, cuddling, talking about what we might want in the wedding and all. I don't know when i fell asleep in between the talks...

The next morning i wake up to Leo crying. I get up and go get him. I bring him back to bed and rock him in my arms. Once he calms down, i place him on the bed next to Ace. Leo has learnt how to crawl and can walk a little. So, he get on top of Ace and slaps his small hands on Ace's face. I quickly take Leo away from Ace while laughing.

Ace~"What the hell was that?"
Zandrea~"Your son. He was trying to wake you up." I say in between by laughter.
Ace~"Why baby? What did i do to you?" He says to Leo. And Leo just starts giggling.
Ace~"Exactly baby. You cannot slap daddy." He takes Leo from my arms and pulls me back to bed.

We talk and play with Leo as we cuddle for around half an hour. I check the time to see it is around 9 am.
Zandrea~"Come on get up. We need to get ready and meet the others at Adriano's office at 10."
Ace~"Yea we can shower together babe. Save water and save time." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows.
Zandrea~"No thank you. We have enough time and water at my place."

I take Leo from the bed. And get him bathed and sorted. As i get him ready, Ace takes a shower. Once Ace is ready, i give Leo to him and take a quick shower amd get ready too. We head downstairs and go directly to meet the others at Adriano's office since we are already 10 minutes late.

Adriano~"Well you are quite early." He says sarcastically.
Zandrea~"Yeaa wait for that baby of yours to pop out and you will understand." I say sarcastically too. I turn to the rest and tell him good morning and they greet back. I look around to find all my brothers and cousins, Ace's brother and his second in command and the girls.

Adriano~"So from what i am aware, everyone here knows in brief how Irina Ivanov Romano came to Italy, right?" Everyone nods.
Adriano~"Okay. One thing you might not know is that the leader who killed Irina's father was murdered a day before Irina escaped. I personally think that Irina was the one who did it to get revenge but we are not sure and we definitely don't want to accuse her and break our alliance with Diego and start another war. So, back to the matter at hand, they have caught a few Russians traitors in their gang. They don't have the best ways to torture mafia men so we are going there. The party is a cover up so the Russians cannot notice that the traitors have been found."

Alonzo~"Even if the party is a cover up, every mafia leader, or their second in command or both are to be there so we all have to be careful."
Elijah~"Exactly. But mainly the girls. The mafia leaders tend to spoil such events to prove that the mafia is more powerful than gangs. That is the main reason we avoid them unless it is necessary."
Ace~"We want you girls to always be with one another. We will be there with you but if we have to go somewhere, please stay together and don't take the risk. This party is more like a charity for helping the orphans. We don't know what will be done to spoil the event but we will just have to be cautious."

Adriano~"Exactly. So from the Italian mafia, I with Amara, Alonzo with Aurora, Lorenzo with Alessia, Luca with Bella and Vincent with Elena will be going. We all can go since they are our allies."
Ace~"From the American mafia, I with Zandrea and Leo, Elijah with Tori and Matteo with his plus one. I don't know who." He says with a shrug.

Zandrea~"Elijah, i didn't know you had a girlfriend." I say with raised eyebrows.
Elijah~"Yeaa well you didn't ask and you didn't stay long on the coronation day. You will meet her now though."
Amara~"Yeaaa one more girl in the group. Matteo is this plus one of yours a girlfriend or a whore?"
Matteo looks nervous and is actually blushing.
Aurora~"Awww is he blushing?"
Matteo~"No no no am not. She is not exactly my girlfriend. She is in our mafia but i haven't exactly asked her to be my girlfriend yet."
Alessia~"I did notice that 'yet' in the sentence." We all girls agree.
Elena~"What's her name though?"
Matteo~"Crystal Grey."
Amara~"Well, atleast we get to meet Tori and Crystal. And get gossip from Irina." Everyone laughs at that since, we all know she loves gossip.

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