Chapter 30

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
Let me guess, he is here to spoil the charity event. Hope it is not something, in which i will have to intervene...

He looks at the man who was whispering in his ear. The man nods giving him like the permission to do as told i think. The man on the stage starts talking then,

"Well, i appreciate the invite to this charity and i really want to donate as much as i can. But i need a good thing in return. And what better than the beautiful women in this ballroom. Why don't the men bid on the women to spend the night with them? The amount that wins is donated and the woman is his for the night. You choose the woman and bid and someone else can bid higher if they want the same woman. Sounds fun right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

All of us were fuming by now. If any of them bid on any of us girls, they will have a bullet coming their way. We girls had to hold the men back because they need to know we can handle this. Let someone bid and they will meet Zandrea fucking Moretti soon to be deLuca.

All the men look around. Some are looking happy with this offer while others feel angry but helpless at the same time. And i know those are the ones that love their women alot and care about them. But i also understand why they are helpless, going against another mafia or gang leader can cause a war. And mainly if it is someone who has a higher rank and power than you.

In between all my thoughts, i hear the man, who whispered in the other's ear, say something.

(1-the man who whispered & 2-the man on the stage)

1~"I don't know her name but the woman who came as Ace deLuca's date. I bid 500,000 dollars on her." I turn to look at him with an emotionless expression on my face.

I see all girls holding back the other guys. They look at me and i nod at them, as if they can understand what is going on in my mind. By now, the entire ballroom has turned silent and are looking at us. I look at Ace and kiss him.

Zandrea~"Don't worry babe. I love you. Hold Leo for like 10 minutes, i will be back." And give Leo to him.

I stand up and walk towards the asshole who thinks he can bid on me and fucking get me. I see all my brothers, friends and Ace on high alert. I stop a little away from where he is. I am like in the middle of this ballroom with my face devoid of any emotions.

Zandrea~"Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you even know who i am?" I ask with raised eyebrows and my voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear me.
1-"I am the second in command of the Russian mafia, Andrey. And you are just a cyka from some club." He says cockily.
Zandrea~"Nice to know Andrey." I say his name with so much venom in my voice.
Zandrea~"But i ain't any cyka. I am the Italian mafia princess, the mother of the next heir of the American mafia and the soon to be American mafia queen. I am Zandrea fucking Moretti soon to be deLuca." I say with so much confidence and so much power is radiating with each of my titles. I say as i raise my left hand, flashing my engagement ring.

I ignore him and go to the stage. I glare at the second guy on the stage and put my hand out, asking for the mike. He turns pale under my glare and hands it over to me.

Zandrea~"Am sure you have already heard my name and who i am. I am sorry for the inconvenience but no fucking bidding is going on in this fucking party. I was glad to see some of you gentlemen looking genuinely worried about the bidding and for the rest, let me just hope you are treating the woman next to you with respect or i will myself help them to kill you." I say and flash them a very nice sweet smile. Some turn pale and others just smile and nod at me in respect and i nod back.

Zandrea~"Well, but to the cause as to why we are here. I, Zandrea Moretti soon to be deLuce donate 20 million dollars on behalf of both the Italian and American mafia. I request you donate as much as you can to help the orphans."

Before i can continue, Andrey interrupted me.
Andrey~"Shouldn't you be asking permission from you brother and fiancée before donating. After all isn't the money you are donating theirs?" He asks cockily as if he hit the right spot.
Zandrea~"Well,that was my money. Before you ask, no not pocket money from my brother or fiancée. I am the undefeated and best streetfighter in the world. Have you heard of the name 'The Devil's Angel'? Obviously you have. I killed 20 of your men who tried to make me fight for you and when i said no they tried to kill me. Well, yea that is me." I say with a wink and i can see him turn red from embarrassment and anger. With that he storms out with the guy that was on the stage and a few of his men.

Zandrea~"I just wanna say, stop with spoiling the parties and entertain yourself and have fun. It is of no use spoiling them or your happiness will end up like Andrey's. Anyway thank you. And please do donate gentlemen."

With that i give the mike back to the guy, who is handling the background music. I go back to our table where everyone is looking at me with pride and adoration in their eyes. I smile back at them.

Adriano~"Am proud of you sorella." The others agree with him and i thank them. Ace hugs me and kisses me.
Ace~"You never fail to amaze me, soon to be Mrs. deLuca."
Zandrea~"I try Mr. deLuca." I saw and kiss him again.
Irina~"Thank you so much Zandrea for not letting them spoil the party."
Diego~"Yes, thank you." They say with a smile.
Irina~"From what i heard you can verbally and physically handle yourself and i want you to be my son's godmother. We don't have any family and i really like you so please would you be our son's godmother."
Zandrea~"I would love to and i feel honored. Thank you." I say as i hug her.

After that, there was no drama. We all danced and ate before heading back home.
Adriano~"We will meet at my office tomorrow morning at 10am. We will talk about what information, we got and everyone can give their opinions on the matter. Good night everyone."

We all say good night and go to our rooms. I go to my room with Leo and Ace. I change Leo and put him to sleep. Till then Ace takes a shower and changes. I take a quick shower and change into my sleep wear. I am so tired and drained out that i get on bed, cuddle with Ace and fall right into a deep slumber. I don't even bother asking him what happened with the traitors and what information they got. I only remember Ace giving me a kiss on my forehead and whispering good night to me.

Merry Christmas!!🥰❤

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