Chapter 26

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
Ace has a lot of mafia work to do since the Russians are being a pain in the ass. And as Ace said i have to go with the girls to buy a dress. Maybe i might even get some info about this gang from them...

We freshen up and i also wake Leo up and get him bathed and dressed. Ace is to drop us home on his way to his warehouse. We go downstairs and have our breakfast with Ace's parents and siblings. We talk about mafia stuff and about our wedding date.

Ace wants me to start planning for the kind of wedding i have dreamt of since we don't have so much time. He wants me to be the happiest bride ever with her dream wedding. He said he will definitely be there with me but with all the mafia things, mainly russian issue, he might not be able to give all the needed time into planning it with me. So, he wants me to plan everything the way i want with the help of the girls, his mom and my aunts, and if there is anything particular he wants, he will tell me. We have both decided to keep our reception party and Leo's birthday party at the same time to make it extra special and memorial for all three of us.

After all the talking, Ace drops me at my home with Leo and heads off to his warehouse to take care of the current mafia business. I go to the lounge room to find the twins, the triplets, Damon, Romeo, Vincenzo, my twinny and the girls talking about the gang party that we have to go to.

Once they see me, they greet me and congratulate me again. I notice Aurora a little bit disturbed and Amara with a very huge smile on her face. I guess this does call for a girls' time and i think the shopping will be the best thing to do.

Zandrea~"So, who all are going to this party?"
Alessia~"Adriano, Alonzo, Lorenzo, Luca, Vincent, Ace, Elijah and us girls. I don't know if anyone else is coming."
Zandrea~"Okayy then let's go shopping. Cause it will anyway take me a lot of time."
Bella~"True. Let us get changed and meet at the stairs in 30."
Zandrea~"Okay. Can you guys keep Leo? He will anyway sleep in an hour."
Zander~"No problem twinny. We will keep him."

I thank them. And we all girls go to our rooms to get changed. We meet at the stairs and get in our cars and go to the same big ass mall to get another dress. I really don't want to go but i need to know what is going on with Amara and Aurora, mainly Aurora since she was looking very disturbed earlier.

Luckily, this time it didn't take so many shops and so much time. We all got our dresses, shoes, jewelry and went to the food court to have late lunch and so that we can all talk. I decided that i will first ask them about this gang so the conversation can start and then i will ask Amara and Aurora what is going on.

Zandrea~"So, tell me about this gang?"
Amara~"From what i have heard over the years is that, the leader's name is Diego Romano. He is italian and his wife is actually Russian and her name is Irina Ivanov Romano."
Zandrea~"Wait Russian?"
Amara~"Yeaa. I heard she came to Italy a few years back. Her father was the second in command of the Russian mafia a few years before she came here. Her father was murdered because the leader and him were not coming to agreement on some war matter related to us. At that time, Irina was only 10, she saw it happen but didn't let anyone know that she knows. She started looking for some information against the Russians. Once she felt it was enough, she elopt and came here. She was 18 at that time. She came looking for your father. She asked for protection in change for information and your father agreed. She is 24 years now. I don't exactly know how she met and fell in love with the gang leader amd i heard rumors that she is pregnant. I guess, we will get to know when we see her. She might tell us maybe."
Alessia~"Yeaa we will talk to her if she feels like she can tell us."
Elena~"Ohh we will definitely try. You know i loveee love stories."

We all laugh because we know she loves every gossip. Actually, we all do. But i notice Aurora lost in her head. I look around to see that everyone has noticed it. As she is next to me, i hold her hand in mine. This makes her look at me.
Zandrea~"What's the matter babe? I have notice you are being silent and look disturbed. Babe you can trust us."
Aurora~"I know. It's just i don't know what to do."
Amara~"Babe, you can tell us what is bothering you and we will help you. We can help tell you what you can do." She says as she holds Aurora's other hand.
Aurora~"What if you can't?" Her eyes start to water.
Zandrea~"Oh babe. You don't have to cry. Everything is going to be alright." I say as i hug her. Even Amara hugs her from her side.
Aurora~"I don't know what to tell him and how to tell him."
Zandrea~"Who do you have to tell and what babe?"
Aurora~"Am" She says as she hugs me tight and cries harder.
Zandrea~"That's good news babe. Why are you crying?"
Aurora~"What if Alonzo doesn't want the baby?"

I pull away from her, wipe her tears and hold her hands.
Zandrea~"I know i haven't been here much long but i know that Alonzo loves you babe. And i know that you guys might have not planned this baby but i know that he will be very happy. He will be shocked at first but he will never say that he doesn't want this baby. I know you are scared but he needs to know about this. And we all will be with you babe. The whole time."
Amara~"Yess babe. We will be by your side. And so that you know, i am pregnant too. Adriano and I were to tell everyone tonight but i am telling you guys now."

We all hug and congratulate her and Aurora as we try to calm her down too.
Amara~"How long are you?"
Aurora~"I don't know exactly but 3 weeks approx."
Amara~"Am 2 months and 3 weeks along. And good news is that if we have opposite gender babies, we can play dates."

We all laugh. We all talk about my baby experience. Well more like they ask questions and i answer. Out of no where, Alessia suggests that we should go to the bridal stores and look for a bridal dress for me and bridesmaids' dresses for all 5 of them because it is quite obvious that they are the ones i will choose as my bridesmaids.

Everyone agrees and we head over to the bridal stores. We go to store after store. I try out dress after dress. After about 5 bridal stores. I find the perfect dress for my wedding day and we found the best bridesmaids' dresses. Amara and Aurora made sure to get dresses that could be okay for their baby bump which will be appearing since the wedding is still 4 months away. My dress is perfect for a princess to be queen. It is beautiful and it literally brought tears in my eyes seeing me in it and i knew that this dress is the one. Obviously, we had my aunts and Ace's mother and sister on video call so they could also see the dresses and help chose the perfect one.

The girls are going to help me in finding a location to suit the dresses and after that we can finalize other things like the cake, food, drinks and decor. That's mainly on us, my brothers and Ace are in charge of the guest list. It is a special wedding since it will unite the American and Italian Mafia through marriage. We are already united through alliance but this will unite us as a family. This also means a lot of mafia and gang leaders will attend so my brothers and Ace will handle all that.

After all the shopping, we eat at the food court again since it is dinner time already. Then, we leave to go home. Let me tell you in advance, WE ARE LATE. VERY LATE. We had to be home hours before and now it is 10 pm. And we have not informed anyone at home. Let's see how that goes.


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