Chapter 10

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Zandrea POV

Previously in the story,
"In the meeting room, everyone now." his voice booms in the room and there is no argument needed with that tone...

I am scared. I start wondering what i did or said wrong. I am scared that he did not like me and he will not approve of me. And if he does not, maybe none of the others will. I think he will tell me to leave and never come back. I was thinking about all the possible things that could happen and till that we reached a room and entered. The meeting room i assume.

My brother, Adriano sat at the head. With Lorenzo and Alonzo to his left and right respectively. And others took their seats according to their ranks i think. Damon, being the motherly natured one, realized i had been holding a sleeping Leo for long and asked to take him. I thank him and give Leo to him as he sits on his chair. Alessia and I stand in front of them.

Old man~"Well, i dont know if you know me or not so i will introduce myself. I am Rodrigo Moretti. And i am your grandfather if i have the correct information."
I did not dare to say anything as he was talking.
Grandpa~"It is good to finally have you here with the people i trust. That woman who you call your mother was a total disgrace. She dared to leave my son alone to take take of my grandsons. That woman.."
I lost it there. How dare this old man speak shit about my mother? I cut him of before he can speak more.

Zandrea~"Listen here and listen clearly because i will not repeat myself. DO NOT DARE SPEAK SHIT ABOUT MY MOTHER. She left your son so that he can concentrate on the fucking war and not get all of you killed. She sacrificed and left her entire life and family to make sure you all don't fucking die. She left so she could protect me, the only daughter that has been born in this family of yours after generations. She was being selfless in her acts towards your family. And you are here speaking shit about her.
Non ripetere lo stesso di nuovo o la prossima volta non esiterò a mettere un proiettile proprio in mezzo ai tuoi occhi. Inteso?" i was burning with anger as i finish talking. My last sentence was filled with venom and rage. Alessia grabbed my hand and tried to comfort me and i slowly cooled down. (Do not repeat the same again or next time i will not hesitate to put a bullet right between your eyes. Understood?)

The old man looked at me with a fucking smile on his face which was like fuel to the fire within me.
Zandrea~"I ASKED INTESO?" I bang my hand hard on the table as i repeat myself to put emphasis. Alessia tries to calm me down again but all i need to listen to is a YES that they fucking understood. Everyone's shock was visible on their faces. I think no one has ever dared to talk to him like that before. Well, there is a first time for everything.

Grandpa~"Sì, bambina, capito." he said with a smile again on his face. ( yes, baby girl, understood.) Before i could ask about his fucking smile he continued to talk.
Grandpa~"I am so happy seeing you here bambina. You just showed that you are Gianna and Alessandro's daughter and my granddaughter. You have our anger, honesty, bravery and most importantly loyalty towards our family. And sorry for everything i said about your mother. I loved and adored her like my own daughter. I just wanted to see how you would react and you did not disappointment me."
I looked at him shocked and then i gave him a sorry and apologized for my behavior and rudeness, well mama did teach me good manners after all. He said a soft don't worry and told me and Alessia to have a sit.

Leo started to stir awake so Damon passed him to me and i rocked him back to sleep. Grandpa gave me a questioning look and i told him about Ace and Leonardo. He look at Leo with love and adoration but then did not fail to express his hatred towards Ace. Well obviously, i am their precious princess and that fucker lied to me and left me.

Zander~"Twinny.." he said that and everyone looked at him confused. He looked at me and continued.
Zander~"Well, you see our names are connected, our age is also almost the same and am your favourite cousin, not to mention we are the only two hot ones from this lot of cousins." before he could continue, all my brothers and cousins started protesting because he said favourite and hot ones.
Zander~"As i was saying before these idiots stopped me, we are basically like twins so i will call you twinny. And to what i was going to say after that is, from whatever you said, it is clear you know about the mafia and all. So are you taking the Omertà?"
Zandrea~"Yup i am, twinny." i give him a wink and continued.
Zandrea~"So Adriano, what are these trials for the Omertà and did you do the preparation for mama's funeral?"
Adriano~"Yes, all the preparations have been made for tomorrow morning at 9:30. And i want everyone to be at our family cemetery on time." he said in such authority that there was no room for arguments.
Santino~"I am sure everyone here is proud and happy to know that you will keep the family tradition and take the Omertà just like every woman in our family has in the past." i give him a smile and turn my attention back to Adriano as he begins talking.

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