Chapter 20

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Alessia's POV

Previously in the story,
I think this is the best moment to take the next step. 'And here goes nothing' with that thought in my mind I turn around and look at him...

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down and bring his face to mine. I start kissing him. His hands wrap around my waist as he kisses me back. At first it is slow and passionate but it soon changes into a deep and sensual kiss. It was filled with lust and need.

Lorenzo~"We should stop till we can." he says while taking a deep breathe.
Alessia~"No. I want to do it."
Lorenzo~"Are you sure? I didn't do all this for that you know, right?
Alessia~"i am sure. I want it to be with you. and i know you didn't do this for that."

He look at me if am sure and i nod. He didn't wait any longer. He reached down grabbed under my thighs and picked me up. On instinct my legs wrapped around him and he held me.

He immediately starts kissing and sucking on my neck looking for my sensitive spot. Once he finds it, i moan and throw my head back giving him more access to my neck. He smiles against my skin and carries me out of the pool and takes me towards a bedroom.


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Well you know what happened next. After that, Lorenzo gets up from the bed and heads to the bathroom. And i hear water running. He comes back and picks me up in bridal style and puts me into the bath tub. He gets in behind and pull me into him.

Lorenzo~"This will help for the pain baby."
Alessia~"Thank you" i say and kiss him.

After about 30 minutes, we get out. He helps me dry up and wear my clothes. He also gets dressed. He picks me up and takes me to the deck upstairs. We are informed that we are almost reaching back to the harbour.

Once we reach the harbour, we head home in Lorenzo's car. He reach the mansion to find a few more cars outside.
Lorenzo~"I really had a great time baby. Thank you for having me be the special person to take your virginity. It means a lot. I hope you also had a great time and i hope you don't regret it." he says holding my hands.

He looks scared that i might tell him, we are done now. I reach over and kiss him reassuring him.
Alessia~"I had an amazing time. And you are special to me Lorenzo. I don't regret one bit of it. And i would love to go out more and spend more time with you." i say with a smile. He kisses me again. He gets out of his car and comes over to my side. He picks me up from my side and takes me inside.

Zandrea's POV

Once Alessia and Lorenzo left, Alonzo, Adriano, Luca, and Vincent went to the warehouse to handle some mafia work. The rest of us had our lunch amd then, headed to the games room and started playing balling and video games. It was fun pretty fun. At around 4, we, the girls went to the kitchen to help my aunts with dinner since even Ace and his family will be here too.

At around 5 pm, we had the basic things ready only keeping it in the barbecue was left. So, we headed to our rooms to get ready. I got Leo from the boys and took him with me. I bath him first and dress him in a grey onesie of his and put him in his crib with his toys and went to take a quick shower. I got dressed and took Leo downstairs.

I see that Ace and his family is already here

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I see that Ace and his family is already here. Ace sees me come downstairs and give me a big smile. I return the smile and i continue descending the stairs.
Zandrea~"Hey there." Leo starts giggling and putting his hands out for Ace's attention.
Ace~"May i?" He asked if he can take Leo. And i nod with a smile.

The moment he takes Ace, i see Lorenzo enter with Alessia in his arms. And i didn't miss the glow on her face.
Zandrea~"OH MY GODDD!" I couldn't help myself from screaming with a huge smile on my face.

Ace looked behind him and then back at me in confusion. None of the boys understood what i meant. They were like 'what happened?', 'Are you okay?" and so on. But the girls understood what i meant.

Aurora~"Fucking hell."
Bella~"It was the first fucking date guys."
By the time, they start talking they reach us and Lorenzo put Alessia down. Lorenzo looks completely confused and Alessia is beet-red. Boys are idiots, and mainly my brothers and cousins.

Twins~"What's wrong?" they say at once. But we ignore them.
Amara~"Yesss!!! I need all the juicy details, Alessia." she says clapping her hands in excitement.
Vincenzo~"Wait what? How do you know something happened?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows. But no one answers him.
Zander~"Twinny, tell me. How do you know something happened?"
Zandrea~"The glow on Alessia's face is so clear that they did it."
Romeo~"seriously? I didn't know girls glow after sex."
Ace~"They don't. Only if they have sex for the first time." i look at him surprised.
Ace~"What?" he asks me when he saw me looking at him.
Zandrea~"How did you know?" i ask.
Ace~"Umm... I remember your glow after our first time." he says nervously. And i blush and look away.
Adriano~"I didn't want to hear that. She is my baby sister, for crying out loud." he tells Ace.

Amara~"Alessia. Come on i need the juicy details." all the other girls say yes, we do.
Zandrea~"Nopeee. I don't wanna know anything. He is my brother and i don't want to hear anything. Eww eww."
Amara~"Well am sure it was mindblowing. From what, all these girls have told me and my own experience with Adriano, am gonna say, 'You Moretti men are fucking amazing and huge'." she says.
Amara~"But am not sure of the younger ones but since they all have the player image, i will say they also fall in this category."
Zandrea~"TOO MUCH INFORMATION, girl. They are my brotherss." i make a digusted face but she ignores me. She then turns to Ace.
Amara~"Don't worry Ace. For not being so experienced, you were pretty amazing too from what i heard." she says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me and i look at her with wide eyes. Ace looks at me and raises one of his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. I look down from embarrassment and because i am full on blushing.
Zandrea~"Umm.. I will go check if they need help in the backyard."

With that i leave them at the front by the stairs and head to the backyard. More like run. I can't face Ace after that. Fucking Amara, i will beat her to pulp when i get her alone. As i was leaving i could hear my brothers arguing about 'TOO MUCH INFORMATION' and the girls ignoring them and trying to get juicy details from Alessia.

I know this was kind of a short chapter even if the word limit exceeded 1000. I hope you did like it though and you do vote.❤

I will be posting a new chapter tomorrow as well as payback for this slightly short chapter.🤧

Love you all.❤

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