Chapter 22

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story (Ace's POV),
She looks so beautiful and hot. If you look at her, you won't even be able to think that she is a mother of a 6 month old...

I see everyone come to the backyard. Ace looks around like he is looking for someone. He goes towards his parents and my dad. I see them talk and all of a sudden, they laugh at Ace. I see his mother look at him and she, immediately stops laughing. She even nudges her husband to stop laughing too. I see Ace give Leo to his parents and they look at Leo in awe and adoration. I, then see Leo and Dad talking about something. I hear my baby crying so i decide to go get him.

Zandrea~"Heyy babyy. Why are crying?" I say in a baby voice. I take him from Isabella and he looks at me and then plays with my cheeks and hair.
Isabella~"He is adorable." She says with a big smile.
Zandrea~"He definitely is adorable. Right baby?" I look at Leo and say in a baby voice. I looks at me and starts giggling.
Zander~"Twinny come on sit with us." He says screaming from the other end of the backyard.
Zandrea~"Yeaa coming." I turn back at Ace's parents and give them a polite smile and nod. And they do the same in return. I make my way towards them and sit with them. They start talking and joking around.

After a few minutes, Ace finishes his talk with my papa and joins us. He asks to take Leo again and i happily give Leo to him. I feel bad for not telling him before. I know it is not entirely his fault or mine. But i know that he feels bad that he wasn't there when Leo was born and he has missed Leo's first 6 months. But all i can do is let him spend time with his son now.

I ask him if everything is alright and he says yes. Am sure that it is not something stressful or he would be talking to Adriano as well. So i brush it off. We continue talking and laughing with everyone. In the middle of that, Caleb thinks that it would be a good idea to go swim. And i don't know why the girls eagerly said yes. Ava didn't have a swimsuit here so i offered her mine and she accepted.

All the girls, go to their rooms. I go with Ava to mine as well. I go to my closet to look for a less revealing bikini and i tell Ava to pick any she likes. As i find a bikini, all the other girls come into my closet with their bikini but they still have to change. The moment they see the bikini, i had chosen. They look at each other and then give me a disapproving look.

Amara~"Babe, please tell me you really ain't wearing that one?"
Zandrea~"Ummm.. but i am." I say confusedly.
Aurora~"I literally made Caleb say that on purpose so you can wear that?" She looks at me like am crazy.
Amara~"Babe, that guy down there is still single and still loves you. He has not even been with any girl other than you. He is also waiting for you to let him back into your life. Atleast give him a fucking show." By the time, she finishes, Alessia already got a sexy bikini out for me to wear.
Zandrea~"You do know my brothers are there too."
Bella~"Come on to hell with them, wear that bikini and show Ace what he missed girl."
Alessia~"No buts. Come on go change so we can change too."

I know that they all have teamed up so i have no other option than to wear it. I wear it and come out to see that they all have also changed. They all look at me and compliment how i look hot and sexy.

Ava~"Not gonna say that you don't look hot and sexy. And to be honest that body of yours is to die for. But let me tell you that you could still go out there in a trash bag and my brother will still think you are the prettiest and most beautiful woman on this planet."
I blush and look away.
Zandrea~"umm.... Thanks. We should get going i think."

We go downstairs to the backyard. We find the boys already in the pool. I see Ace and Leo together. Ace is looking at me like i am the only person here. I blush and look away. I see all the girls entering the pool so i also do the same. We swim and talk. We laugh and play with Leo. We listen to music.

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