the owner

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Zack, it's him, the love I lost, intentionally lost at my teenage years who is still haunting my nights is hugging me tight

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Zack, it's him, the love I lost, intentionally lost at my teenage years who is still haunting my nights is hugging me tight.

I'm nauseated by his masculine scent, that I love so much, memories then come flooding:

"Open it now, I want to see your face when you open it and capture the reaction I got from you." I say to him.

"Baby it’s too early yet, it's still not time for presents, let us wait until midnight" he answered.

"No. I want you to open it now that I’m here coz I’ll be home at midnight with my own family and can't see you opening it," I pause then continue after a minute or so "though its not that important so okay." I quietly said, defeated I stand from the couch where we are snuggling and head to the door while looking down at the floor as I make my way to the door to go out.

"WOW" he exclaim "You got me this? hahahah!!"

I turn around to see the wrapper thorn and in his hand the bottle of male perfume I gifted him. What a bummer, I never get to see his face upon seeing it.

"You sniffer! Really now? Let me try." He remove the seal and cap then spray it in his wrist and rub it against the other and behind his ears.

"Now come here baby and give daddy a sniff." He command me.

I just stand there looking at him memorizing all his reaction to my simple gift, wanting to imprint it in my memory knowing that soon we'll be far from each other.

Seeing him beckon me to come closer, I walk back to him and snuggle in his open arms ready to give me a bear hug, nuzzling in his neck my nose sniff, sniff and sniff. I can't get enough of him, I like his natural scent but now mixed with my chosen scent for him is more intoxicating.

"Hhmmm" I release a sound of content, my heart swell and ache at the same time.

I sniff again and again filling my lungs of his scent, knowing not long from now I can't do so.

"Oouch! Aahh! " I whisper yell, coming back to present situation.

"You sniffer, You left me!!" Zack loudly exclaim while pinching my sides while hugging me tight, as if he will not let me go this time.

His act took me by surprise, never in my dreams that the same scene as these will happen when we meet again, and his words bring tears to my eyes as I stand there like a steel, too afraid to act on what I should do, afraid to face the outcome of my action from past years.

Zack hugged me so tight and I want to hug him back but fear of losing myself again held me back so I just stand still and tears starts to flow as I can’t control it anymore.

Confusion from his action towards me starts to rise "Why hug the girl who left you?" The question is in my mind. He should loathe me, avoid me at all cost not hugging her.

I wanted to ask him but afraid to hear directly from him the truth that he used and played with me.

"Mr. Right, the final result of the selection is on your table ready for your approval." A good looking guy emerge from the room I came from and loudly announces.

His eyes surveyed our position and squint it as he saw my face, brows furrowed still waiting for a reply. Never averting his eyes from us, looking at me straight, eye to eye, as if asking who am I.

"Cancel all my appointments for today, I am not available and on a very important personal meeting if anyone inquires." Zack answered while loosening his embrace to me.

"Let the chefs decide on the selection."

"Bring all important documents to my house office, I’ll tend to it afterwards." He continue to say as he disentangle himself from me but his grip on my left wrist tightened as if making sure I'm not running from him, eyes bore to mine, and  gently wipe the tears on my face by his right hand using this thumb.

"Baby, please, lets talk." He said while dragging me to the elevator, not giving me a chance to say no and not waiting for a reply from the guy.

The guy's mouth hangs open seeing the scene his boss make as if it's new to him that the man is with a woman.

"Yes boss." We heard the answer of the man before the elevator's door closed maybe he'd come to his senses.

"Boss?" I repeat looking his reflection in the mirrored wall of the elevator.

His eyes are staring back on me and he just give me a single nod before fulling me to another hug from the back, while quietly whispering "your back" again and again.

******************** Isn't it that easy to just let the feeling go and let it be?

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Isn't it that easy to just let the feeling go and let it be?

I just being true no twist and turn but straight to the core here. hahhahha

What can you do about that? I want them together not apart.

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💌 Author: dhenz4dhabz8 💌

NicahSC don't give up gurl you can do that again

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