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Zack’s POV

After my admitting my bad deeds to her, her uncaring reaction towards my admission, my fucked up libido kicking in not letting us talk clearly on the matter, her falling asleep in my arms like nothing else matters, my pleas to her of not leaving me, and her finally promising me at a sleepy state, leaves unsettled feeling within.
Feeling weary and sleepy, her in my arms in deep slumber, makes me soon fall asleep too.

Awaken by a loud ringing of my phone, I shift in the bed, eyes still close and hands reaching to my side where she’s been. I bolted sitting up on bed when I touched nothing, the space beside me in the bed is empty, touching it my hands meet cold sheets that means she’s gone long enough for me not to feel her warmth on it.

Getting up from the bed I search the room for her things, seeing her suitcase still there, I feel less worried of her absence in the room. I pulled up a black sweat on not bothering for a shirt and start my search for her in the bathroom, empty, I get out from it and out from the room to search other part of the house.

“BABY???” I called out in a loud sleep induced voice for the whole house to hear.

I got no answer, which makes my worry spike up.

I run down stairs and to the kitchen, there she is standing in front of the stove stirring something in the saucepan, swaying her hips to the music coming from her earphone, humming along to its tune, I come up behind her silently and hugged her from behind.

She stilled in my arms for a while and relaxed after looking up and seeing me. Pulling her earphone out, she gives me her sweet smile.

I snuggle in her neck inhaling her scent to calm myself from my anxiety and the smell of the food she’s preparing makes my stomach growls in hunger.

We laugh in unison hearing my pet in the stomach asking for food.

“This will only take a minute to be ready, sit on the table ill serve you.” The ringing of the house phone cuts her off just in time.

“I’ll get that.” I make my way to the lounge where the phone is and answer it while taking the set on a nearby chair.

“Hello?” The call went through and I just listen to the report given to me without a word, after the caller done giving the report, I coldly said; “I’ll look into it, I’ll call you back.” Then I return the phone to its cradle.

“That must be important to leave you lost in your mind.” She clearly state at my back, when I look back, she’s leaning against the kitchen wall beside the doorway. “The food’s ready.” She added before pushing away from the wall and turns her back on me.

Getting in the kitchen she’s already seated in the dining table, plates are ready and wine is poured.

Seafood pasta is served.

Seafood pasta is served

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“Dig in.” she said bringing back my winding mind to her.

I sit facing her, eating my food absentmindedly, the news I received is not something I just can ignore.

“I know we need to cut our vacation short.” She said in a calm tone. “I’m sorry but I had read your message, your phone keeps beeping on message alert, so I looked into it.” She’s gazing directly to my eyes not hiding or cowering away from me.

I smile at her, reassuring her that everything will be fine. The one that worries me more is that what will be her reaction towards it but seeing that she already knows about it and that she is not hysterical brought smile on my lips.

“Are your parents alright?” She asked afterwards, continuing her meal with appetite, not letting the pressing matter affect it.

“Don’t worry about them, there fine.” I assured her, also making big bites of my food. “They have security with them at all times.” I inform her. “Just like us, but ours are 100meters away from us.” I added gauging her reaction.

“Oh!” She squeaks. “Can they see us going at it?” She whispers her query, as if someone will hear her.

“HA HA HA HA……” My laughter booms loudly in the dinning/kitchen, for all the concern she should be worried about, the one that matters to her the most is our love making exposé.

“What?” She exclaimed. “I don’t want someone gawking at us in that state, that’s only between you and me.” Pushing her empty plate, after stating her sentiments with a thud caused as she smacks her small fist on the table.

“Baby, I said 100meters away from us for that main purpose. I also want our privacy. So, rest assured.” I admit honestly. “Please don’t start acting distant to me now that you know about it. Nothing’s changed.”

“What time will we go back?” Her question makes me look at my Cartier gold wrist watch.

“Tonight, at 8.” Directly making known to her that the matter at hand needs to be handle as soon as possible.

She nod, after a moment she stands up starting to clear the table.

“I’ll do the dishes.” I offer.

“No.” Her stern reply comes out rush before commanding me. “Go. Take a look at those files they sent to your email that must be of utmost important and need your immediate attention.”

“Okay.” I agree without giving her a fight knowing she’s right.

I helped her clear the table first before leaving her to do the dishes and head to our room to retrieve my laptop. Booting it up while making myself comfortable on a bedroom couch I place the laptop on my lap. I swipe open my phone 10 missed calls an hour earlier and read the messages on my phone, all from my security team.

I go through my emails and found the one that they specifically sent about the matter. Looking at the profiles of everyone involved in the attempt attack to my parents, my brows scrunch in concentration.

Which is cut off when Lynn enters our room and goes directly to the bathroom without looking at me, and then I hear the water in the shower goes on.

When I’m finish going through the files, I put the laptop on the bed and strip my sweat but before I can get inside the bathroom Lynn emerges from it, her body and hair wrapped in a white fluffy towel.

She directly flop unto the bed and retrieve the laptop, going through the file I’ve been through, seeing her concentrate on it I get in the bathroom and take the shower alone.

Shit! I miss the chance. My mind curses itself for my untimely action.

Seeing her that serious makes her so hot and I want to pounce in her hard and fast. Shit! Thinking about it makes my cock so hard, needing release.


Author’s Note:

Hi lovely.
I hope I can give the best image of our male lead’s other character.

Please vote, comment, and share this book. That would help me a lot.

💌 Author: dhenz4dhabz8 💌


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