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Lynn’s POV

“I don’t care what others will think or say. I wanted to show off what’s mine.” His words keep ringing in my mind as I’m making our breakfast. I dismissed all the security and maid for a day off.

After having my breakfast and preparing his on the table, covering it and placing a sticky note, with a reminder to eat it, I head to his huge garage. More than a dozen different cars lined up, I bet his collection is all luxury cars and branded which I have no idea of.

Standing in front a glass case against the wall which holds all the keys, I notice this one particular key that has a key chain dangling saying, be mine, it stand out amongst the others signifying his favorite car or anything for particular special someone. I pull it out then press the unlock key.  A black sleek car light up, signaling it’s unlocked.

Wow. That’s what I told myself as I study the luxurious car, it’s a Porsche. Oh God! Even though I don’t know a lot about cars, I can tell this one costs a fortune. Knowing this is his favorite or whatever, I get in and surveyed its interior, wow , is what I keep repeating in my mind.

The inside of the car is all black also but the set is all white and clean, is this customized? I asked myself, I can’t tell so I shrugged to myself. The driver’s seat is very soft; it feels like I’m sitting on a cloud, huh! Who could tell how it feels to sit on a cloud? Hhhmm may be cotton perhaps. Yes! That’s it.

The fact that this car is very expensive and own by him, it would be unconventional to drive this beauty at work. People will know at a glance that this is his car and my attempt to conceal our relationship will become futile

“I don’t care what others will think or say. I wanted to show off what’s mine.” His words ring again in my mind.

Hhmmm.. Fuck hiding. Come what may, I finally decide. I want to drive this beauty.
Not minding what will happen, I put the car to drive, and out of the basement parking.

Slowing down as I reach the companies premises, I head to the main entrance and part at the very front of it. I don’t know where the designated parking is so I will just wing this. Seeing the owner’s car came to a complete stop, all eyes are on it, waiting for whoever will emerges from it.

This is it. Taking a deep breath before pulling open the driver’s door the coming out. I straighten myself as I fully emerge from it before facing the crowd which is gathered at the entrance now, fully eyeing me.

Giving them all a smile, I proceed to walk to the guard posting at the entrance and hand him the car’s key.

“Please get someone to park Mr. Right’s car at his designated parking, thank you.” I calmly order the guard.

Gasp and murmur starts to erupt at the background. Not minding them and giving the guard a nod before making my way to the floor where the restaurant is. Looks followed me wherever I go, feels like I’m under intense scrutiny from everyone, and it seems that the news spread so fast coz when I emerge from the elevator from the ground floor same looks are thrown my way.

Walking confidently, not letting intimidation by the onlookers rule, I approached the manager’s office and introduce myself as the newly hired cook. He himself does the look everyone gave me not even trying to hide it from me.

After awkward introduction, he brings me to the kitchen to meet the staff and orient me for the rules and regulation which I silently take in.

In the middle of his speech, the door swings open and in came, the boss, his eyes surveyed everything and everyone in the room without paying me much needed attention which I appreciate. Then he comes out and proceed to the manager’s office without a word, the manager automatically excuse himself and follow him.
As the days goes on, I can sense that the manager clearly receive specific instruction from Zack about me. Not wanting to blow the situation out of proportion, I keep to myself and refrain from engaging conversation with others and put all my concentration in work.

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